Item of the Week–Pasta

Yes, we got mac & Cheese a while ago but this week we’re going to be working on plain old noodles. This includes Ramen. So let’s stock up on your favorites. My family eats this stuff a lot. It’s a great food to have on hand because it requires nothing… Read More

Item of the Week–Oats

As far as I know Oats are a grain that nobody is allergic to. This gluten thing has got me scratching my head, but oats are a safe bet for all, right? Oats are so filling and so hearty, they are just a great item to have around. Plus, cookies!… Read More

Item of the week–Sugar

Boy am I getting bad at remembering to post these Items of the Week! Sorry! This week it’s sugar. The idea of going without sugar is just so very sad and tragic. This is one item you want to have on hand. I recommend at least 5 lbs. per person.… Read More

One month left

It is March 10th. I have one exactly more month of being 30-something. I never in my wildest teenage dreams imagined being this old. I could see myself being 26 and after that things seemed grey and hopeless.* I’m actually a teeny smidge excited. Mostly because I think I look… Read More

This week’s items–Chicken

I love chicken! That’s kind of a lame thing to say, like “I love water”. It’s the backbone of many a family dinner chez W. We are well-stocked for all chicken-related emergencies. I suggest you stock up on chicken this week too. I would recommend both frozen and canned. I… Read More

Item of the week–Flour

Helloooo? Anybody out there? Anybody still getting some extra pantry items? Well, you should be. And this week you should be getting flour. In less you have some sort of gluten-intolerance (in which case, SORRY! That sucks for you), flour/bread/cookies/cereal are a big part of your life, I’m guessing. Now… Read More

Item of the week–Chili/Soup

Many apologies, readers. It’s Wednesday night and I still haven’t posted the weekly item. It’s chili and/or soup. These foods are GREAT any time you don’t feel like cooking or have power. They are super good for you and in the case of chili–very filling. Buy as much as possible.… Read More

Fess-up Friday–mess edition

This is the most hesitant I’ve ever been about posting anything on my blog. But because I am all about honesty (on my own terms), I am going to admit something to you. My bedroom and closet are a terrifying nightmare. As in messy. Messy I’ve been methodically trying to… Read More

Twiddling our thumbs

Remember how I pulled everybody out of extra-curriculars last fall? We’re still enjoying our time off. You can read about what I’ve found out from our little experimant here at Segullah today. By Hildie | Filed under Uncategorized 1 Comment Share