
I don’t have cancer (at least, not that I’m aware of). But cancer has been particularly brutal to those that I love and care about lately. I’ve been filled with such a swirl of emotions that I’ve really had a lot to process. In the last seven days I received word… Read More

Finn’s Mission Call

Well, after sixteen days, Finn received his mission call. When you agree to go on a two-year mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, you have absolutely no say in where you will go.  The church leaders who make the assignments prayerfully consider the file of… Read More

One Less Teenager

Today my second-born child, York, turns 20. I am down to having only two teenagers again. York has been getting his butt kicked down in Brazil (metaphorically speaking!) and learning piles of humility and patience. Hoo boy, has he needed that! Of course, York is still York and he told… Read More

The Kids Get Mission Calls

As you probably know by know, we’re Mormon. And one of the rites of passage for Mormons is going on a mission when young adults turn 18 or 19 years old (it’s strongly encouraged for boys–being the fools that they are–but optional for girls). Part of the reason is to tell… Read More

A Huge Sigh of Relief

You may or may not know about how I’ve been the Relief Society President at church for the last two and a half years. If you’re Mormon no further explanation is needed. If you’re not Mormon, take my word for it when I say that it’s pretty much a part-time… Read More

Uh, whoa. Where have I been?

I haven’t posted for over a month??? Wow. I hadn’t realized. I’ve just lost the mojo or something. I feel really bad because I didn’t even post any of the cool stuff that happened over the summer. Some of it made me sad. Like this: Somebody flew the coop.  … Read More

Mormons and Fast Sunday

Tomorrow is Fast Sunday for Mormons. When I say “fast” I don’t mean the opposite of slow; I mean not eating or drinking. This is something that all Mormons around the world do on the first Sunday of every month. We go hungry. And thirsty. On purpose. We then take… Read More