A Huge Sigh of Relief

You may or may not know about how I’ve been the Relief Society President at church for the last two and a half years. If you’re Mormon no further explanation is needed. If you’re not Mormon, take my word for it when I say that it’s pretty much a part-time… Read More

The Temptation of the Old Boyfriend

I’m interrupting my exhaustive coverage of my trip to let you know that I’ve got a post over at Segullah about the temptation of the old boyfriend. I’ve been seeing a lot of friends (both men and women) who’ve been getting back into things with a former love interest. Facebook… Read More

Adieu Google Reader

I was hoping that Google would change their minds at the last minute and not get rid of Google reader. Too bad, so sad! They did get rid of it. But the (semi) good news is that until tomorrow you can export your blog lists to another blog reader. After… Read More

BlogHer Food Conference

I spent all day Friday and Saturday at The BlogHerFood conference. This year it was in Austin and I had to take advantage of that. Once upon a time I was a food blogger, you know. Here’s the real reason I don’t do more food and recipe tutorials: I’m the… Read More

Blogging Every Day in May

I have blogging for five years now and much like a marriage, the conversation starts to lag after a while. Life gets busy and things happen and blogging seems like more of chore than a joy. Also, I love posting short funny little things on Instagram that I might have… Read More

The Little Laptop that Couldn’t

Today is How-To Tuesday. And all my photographs for tutorials are stuck on my hard drive. The hard drive that is having an existential crisis and simply won’t start because even though it’s less than a year old, what’s the point. What is the point of it all? That’s what… Read More

The Flap about Snap–A Recap

Last weekend I went up to Utah for the Snap Conference: a get together for bloggers who craft or DIY. Before I get into how fun it was, let me apologize for not contacting anyone who lives in Utah. It was a quick trip in and out. I plan on… Read More

The Importance of Not Being Jennie

JenJennJennyJennieJennifer We are everywhere. Unless you are one of us you do not understand the trauma of being one of three girls with the same name in every class you’ve ever been in. You don’t comprehend the pure suckiness of always having to follow your name with an initial because… Read More

Welcome to my New Blog!

Due to internet trickery, I have probably forwarded you to my new blog without you even noticing. But if you are looking at this in your Reader you should click on through and take a look around. The Blog Fairy has done a lovely job designing this blog for me.… Read More