Happy anniversary, have a snake!

Oh my gosh, I just realized that today–yes today–is my one year anniversary of blogging!  Haven’t my faithful readers, all five of you, learned a lot of silly, unimportant things about me? Mostly that I love sweets and hate doing anything hard, especially the laundry.  Or any household chores for… Read More

It’s a bloggy blog world

I’ve been thinking about blogs and friendship the last few days.  Blogs have really opened my life to more/better friendships.  I love having friends.  To me they are truly a joy (most of the time.  Sometimes they are not.  You know who you are.)  I am seriously the most extroverted… Read More


AriesYour blog will receive 10,000 hits today. 9,999 being from you, and the other from someone who googled “the Internets most boring blog.” TaurusThe giveaway you just entered will turn out to be a sign-up sheet to volunteer as a cat food taster. GeminiYour blog will reach the fame you… Read More

Are you gullible?

Ok, everybody, I don’t want to rain on your parade, but I keep getting these forwarded emails and I simply CANNOT believe there is not some basic fact-checking going on before this stuff is passed on.  In all fairness you boggers are not the ones perpetuating rumors.  My friend Jay… Read More

Tearing up

That’s tear as in cry. Courtney (a.k.a. C Jane) has been pulling at my heartstrings all week. She has been writing the most lovely posts on her blog (Some about her sister in the plane crash, some about her family). If you have never visited her blog, or you haven’t… Read More