Wedding Bells

It’s a funny idea about the wedding bells. Who has those anymore? I didn’t. But I did wear a white dress and eat cake. And that all happened exactly 18 years ago today. Eighteen years is a long time. It’s been mostly good. Hopefully we’ll be together for another eighteen… Read More

I’ve got nothing

Nothing for you to read lately, that is.  Husband still has no job although I did spend the last day and a half writing an entirely new resumé* from scratch (A pain!  There needs to be some sort of employment thesaurus that only lists words like “productivity” and “problem solver”).… Read More

Friday night boredom

Soooo, I’m home on a Friday night.  I am officially a loser.  Mister and I are fanatical about date nights, but we already had one this week.  And I had to run the last-day-of-school party gauntlet which meant dropping off and picking up all evening. Plus I did Activity Day.… Read More


I’m posting today over at Segullah about friendships that have become a little stale. By Hildie | Filed under Uncategorized 6 Comments Share

Baby Name Season

 Did you know there is a Baby Name season? Well, there isn’t really.  But the Social Security Administration recently released their list of the 1000 Most Popular Baby Names for 2009 (you’ll need to scroll down to the section that says “Popular Names by Birth Year” and select “top 1000”.… Read More


Today I am posting at Segullah about the awesomeness of minivans. I’m also cleaning out this cupboard: What are you up to? By Hildie | Filed under Uncategorized 7 Comments Share

I swear it’s not hormones

I needed to pick up some little bowls with lids so I stopped by the baby department at Target yesterday thinking I might find some.  I haven’t been through there in a while.  The baby bowls are right next to the sippy cups so I thought I might pick up… Read More

Sorry about Makeup Monday

I’m sorry about dropping the ball on Makeup Monday.  I went out of town over the weekend for my birthday and hadn’t quite recovered by Monday morning.  Mister and I drove down to San Antonio and had a wonderful time sans kids.  We stayed at a lovely old bed &… Read More

Very, very important

It’s my birthday today.   That’s all. (This is Ada’s birthday cake, but it’s as close as I’m going to get to someone making me one.) By Hildie | Filed under Uncategorized 27 Comments Share