Flu or cakes

I know not many of you are as concerned about Swine Flu as I am (Can you imagine dying of something so vile-sounding?  It makes it sound like you were getting a little too frisky in the pig pen.)  Nevertheless I remind you again of this helpful site just incase… Read More

Hey, remember me?

I haven’t posted for a while. I’ve been in New York! Without kids!  Do I even have to tell you how wonderful it was? Mister, who you may or may not have heard, was not terribly excited to go at first (I did write a spiteful blog post about it,… Read More

The super happiest day

You guys, not only is it my birthday today (I’m turning . . . well, let’s just say that 40 is much closer than I’d like), but I can finally have loads and loads of sweets after my Lenten promise to abstain.  I’m aiming for some sort of sugar-induced coma.… Read More

Get your Easter on

Oh Boy, do I love Easter! I love the colors. I love eggs and rabbits and birds. And Jesus, of course. It’s such a cheerful, lovely holiday.  This year, though, I’m up against something new. You know I love my kids in matching outfits, right? I bought cute striped polo… Read More

Adelaidy bug

My baby doll is four today!  Hard to believe that four years ago I was in labor*.  She’s a spitfire and a charmer.  Baby Ada, we love you! (With her cousin Ellen W.) *She was my one try with natural childbirth and it was not the lovely experience that everyone… Read More

Almost summer

Not to make you feel bad or anything, but yesterday I picked the first roses from my garden. Lovely. By Hildie | Filed under Uncategorized 13 Comments Share

Those little fools

Anybody care for a fried egg and toast?   I mean marshmallow fluff with lemon pudding and misshapen angel food cake? (sadly I have a hard time cutting bread nicely, so my kids are used to funky-looking bread. They didn’t even bat an eye.) Happy April Fools!   Now I’m trying… Read More

The many faces of Jennie

I got a little carried away with PhotoBooth today.  “You had better clean up those crayons/blocks/goldfish crackers NOW” “3:00???  The kids will be home in five minutes!” “What shall I have for breakfast this morning?  Cookie dough or Pringles?” “Arianne, you are never going to believe what Mom said now!”… Read More

Pillow talk

I’m posting at Segullah today about my busy, busy lifestyle. Which entails cleaning up this mess made by the usual suspects.  By Hildie | Filed under Uncategorized 9 Comments Share