I’m easy

Thoughtful + funny + chocolate = the way to my heart I came home the other night to find this message on my bed spelled out in my favorite candy, Peanut Butter M&Ms.*   What did Mister spend?  $3.50 What did Mister earn? More brownie points that he knows what… Read More

My super-fattening giveaway

Yes, that’s right I’m finally giving something away! Mostly because I cannot for the life of me think of anything to write. So here is what’s up for grabs: Your very own panful of cream cheese brownies handmade by me. I make kick-A brownies, in case you didn’t know. I… Read More

Who finished their kits?

All right, all you 72 hour kit people!  How did it go last week?  At this point your kits should be done!  Yahoo!  Bring on the earthquake/wildfire/tsunami!  Just kidding.  Hopefully you will live an uneventful life free of power-outages and contaminated water supplies. So if you’ve done your kit, let… Read More

Hey Hopatcong!

Hey lurker from New Jersey!  Who are you and why do you live in such a funny-sounding town? Every time I see the name Hopatcong I start saying it in my mind and can’t stop for an hour or two.  Is it some sort of wacky Indian name?   By… Read More

Don’t you forget

About your assignment to go to the camping/army surplus store for your 72-hour-kits before Monday. C’mon you guys, it’ll be fun.  If you’ve already gotten your stuff (do you even remember what it is?  Refresh your memory here), let me know. Also, Suburban Correspondent has been particularly funny this week.… Read More

Ni hao!

Mister and I have some good friends* who are going to Hong Kong and China in June and invited us to come along. Actually, we invited ourselves to come along because it sounded fun and we have a ton of frequent flyer miles that are about to expire. So we… Read More

He loves me, he loves me not

 I just got back from the grocery store.  I asked Mister to pick up some eggs last night and he did.  Then he proceeded to use them all for breakfast this morning.  I got breakfast in bed, so I can’t exactly be mean about it.  But I was a little… Read More

Facebook, how I dislike you

I swear Facebook will be the death of me!  I keep thinking that I’m writing private messages, only to have them slapped right up on the main page. And they can be a bit gossipy.  And a little on the snotty side.  I’d better just keep everything pleasant and superficial… Read More