My latest fave

I’ve been digging on this album by Priscilla Ahn.  Very light and ethereal, but serious.  Her voice is charming. The more I listen the more I love.  And you can download the whole album on itunes for $6.99.  Quel bargain. By Hildie | Filed under Uncategorized 3 Comments Share

Spring break-my-spirit

It’s Spring Break right now and we, along with everyone else we know, are having a staycation this year. Mister is nearing the deadline of his huge project at work which means no fun for a couple more weeks. So now I have a houseful of children and I’m wondering… Read More

It’s all about the consequences

I mentioned earlier how I like to be showered and ready before my kids wake up.  This is not because I am disciplined (so laughable!) or have my life together.  It’s because showering while Ada and Jasper are up and about leads to nothing but trouble.  As I found out… Read More

Chocolate Awareness, Indian style*

This chocolate bar caused me a serious bit of hesitation. My inital thought was: milk chocolate (yum) + Tikka Masala (also yum) = Ewwww I thought the Chocolate Bacon Bar was a bit extreme, but candy and Indian food??? Don’t worry your pretty little head, however. All that “masala” means… Read More

Caution: Lame weekend ahead

Last week was a pretty fun weekend.  Mister and I went out with friends on both Friday and Saturday.  Both dinners were great (Friday at Bess Bistro–one of the best meals I’ve eaten in a long time–and Saturday at Threadgills). Friday we also had the awesome pleasure of watching James… Read More

Losing things (besides my mind)

As I have mentioned before, I have a keen talent for losing things.  This week I have lost: Isn’t this a cute earring?  I agree. Too bad I only have one now. (I just got them in December! Frustrating!) How do you lose a big cake pan like this?  I… Read More

And the winner is . . .

Misty Dowdy!  Congrats!  I’ll send out your goodies next week (we don’t want them sitting around a funky post office all week-end, do we?) I’ll put the brownie recipe up some time next week for all you poor folks who didn’t win. By Hildie | Filed under Uncategorized 10 Comments… Read More

Last day to enter the Brownie Giveaway

You have until midnight tonight to enter the giveaway for delicious brownies and eye salve (not so delicious) shipped straight to you (unless you live near me and then I’ll just drive them over.)   Go here to enter. Good luck! By Hildie | Filed under Uncategorized Add a Comment… Read More

Chocolate Awareness

This week for Chocolate Awareness we’re going to check out this candy bar by Perla Chocolates called No.5 (a.k.a. Milk Chocolate with roasted almonds). Mister brought this one home for me from Whole Foods because he thought I’d like the wrapper and he was right on. Look how gorgeous it… Read More

Things I’ve learned this week:

–Don’t wash all your bras at the same time. They take a lot longer to dry than you think! (Didn’t I learn this back in middle school? Guess not.) Sorry everybody at SuperTarget for hanging free and loose! –Don’t be so picky about your bras because then you won’t have… Read More