Save a prayer

Ada gives rather long-winded prayers. They’re usually pretty funny, though, and I finally got around to filming her saying one. She’s all about function not form, so she’s not too interested in closing her eyes or kneeling down. Oh well. One thing at a time. P.S. She’s obsessed with not… Read More

President of nothing

I’m posting about church callings over at Segullah today. ( If you’re not Mormon that could be pretty boring.) By Hildie | Filed under Uncategorized 3 Comments Share

The common

You know how I never give out my last name on this blog?  That’s because it’s very unusual and I don’t want my readers who are kidnappers to come and steal my children.  But I have no qualms about telling you my maiden name.  No siree. Jennie Davis (not Jennifer).… Read More

Toddler talk

One of the best things about toddlers is their weak grasp of the English language.  It makes for some good laughs. This morning for example: Me: “Jasper, your pajamas are soaked! What happened?” Jasper: “My penis spilled.” I guess that’s a new way of looking at it. By Hildie |… Read More

The dress

As you know, Arabella turned eight last week. Normally that would mean she’s getting baptized soon*, but we’ve decided to wait until we go to Utah in July so that her family and best friend will be able to attend. This leaves me a couple more months to find the… Read More


My cute little baby girl (well, one of them) is eight years old today.  I swear she was four years old about ten minutes ago.  Arabella is the lovingest, sweetest, most affectionate child.  She has always been an easy, mellow girl.  Let’s hope that lasts as we enter the murky… Read More


Uh, I don’t know how to tell this to my Facebook Friends but I don’t care which Disney Princess they are.  Or the results to questionnaires telling me what their ideal cut of diamond is, which 70’s T.V. character they are, the Woman from the Bible they most resemble, or… Read More

Shiver me timbers

I simply couldn’t resist this eye-rolling headline from an article by Fox News: U.S. Navy Unveils New Ship That Can Fight Pirates Wow!  How advanced we are!  We’re actually going to have a boat that can fight pirates.  I believe Queen Elizabeth made a similar announcement in 1570. By Hildie… Read More

Mothering tip for a rainy day

I’m always forgetting mothering lessons that I learned along the way.  This is perhaps one of the most important.  Particularly if your children are making you batty.  It is one simple thing: forts Do not underestimate the power of of a fort.  At least an hour of amusement and distraction.… Read More


Ada is our little throw-up girl.  Every once in a while she just throws up for no good reason.  She has no other symptoms and it doesn’t usually happen more than once.  It’s just her thing.  She’s always been no-nonsense, and this is evident when she gets sick.  She can… Read More