Ever so modest

I’m over at Segullah today writing modestly about modesty, that fun Mormon topic. But someone keeps jacking with the site, so it’s giving a malware error message on and off today. Our brilliant webmistress is on it, so if you get the malware message just go back later. By Hildie… Read More

Don’t tempt me

I’ve been looking for some cabinet knobs to jazz up my somber kitchen. Currently we have none. It’s just one plain cabinet door after another. Combine that with dark granite counters and a brownish/khaki-ish tile floor and it feels like I’m cooking in a cherry wood coffin. Painting the cabinets… Read More

He’s got crabs!

Please welcome the newest residents chez W: These are Finn’s new mini-crabs (A.K.A. Fiddler Crabs). They are a lot more interesting and easier to take care of than those lame-o hermit crabs that are popular. They like to scurry around and quarrel with each other (you could call them “crabby”,… Read More

Still alive

Still on vacation. But I don’t want you to think I’ve forgotten about you. Some random pics: Let’s hear it for a laptop loaded with episodes of Speed Racer and Scooby Doo!  No self-respecting child would dare look away. So I’m on a ski lift, big deal. It is a… Read More

We are the Jet Set Society

We’re off to the Motherland (A.K.A. Utah) in the morning. I may or may not blog while I’m gone. I’m up to my eyeballs in suitcases and kids clothes. The fish is already at the babysitter’s house. We’re dropping off the dog in the morning (Mister can’t quite be trusted… Read More

Moonwalk into eternity

I haven’t liked Michael Jackson for, oh, quite a while now.  But I must pay my respects to the Great Gloved One.  He holds a special place as the first celebrity whose poster hung on my wall. I’m ever so grateful we didn’t end up together (12-year-old me thought we… Read More

Ahhh, politicians

Well, surprise, surprise, yet another unfaithful politician. I’m beginning to think that a monogamous politician is the exception to the rule. I’m just glad his wife wasn’t sitting there with a fake-smile-of-support plastered on her face. I hate to see that. I also hate when they give a really gentle… Read More

First of all, I’m all better.  I have a bit of cough left but the mucus overload is tapering off, thank goodness. Secondly, I just can’t get over how much of a procrastinator I am.  I don’t like planning ahead and I don’t like doing unpleasant things.  I really don’t… Read More

Happi Anni

Time to dredge up the old wedding photo again. It’s my anniversary. Number 17 this year.   Let me just state a few things about this picture: 1. I was 21. I may have looked 16, but I really was a grown up (legally. Emotionally I certainly was not. But… Read More

For your princess

In my constant search for the perfect baptism* dress for Arabella I came across this beauty.  It’s silk, hand smocked by Isabelle Garreton (who makes the most drool-worthy dresses.  Look at that smocking!), size 12 (new with tags) and it’s for sale on ebay for $9.99.  Yes, you read that… Read More