I’m posting at Segullah today about my busy, busy lifestyle. Which entails cleaning up this mess made by the usual suspects.
I’m posting at Segullah today about my busy, busy lifestyle. Which entails cleaning up this mess made by the usual suspects.
OH, JEEZE! Where were you when this happened?
The tree you asked about on Lonna’s blog is a Mt Laurel. My parents had one in our front yard when I was growing up…I LOVE the smell of them. They remind me of a time when I had no care in the world!
I was talking on the phone to YOU!
I’m dying to know what happened here =)
Looking at this photo of your family room just makes me sigh. Because it’s not a special event we see here. This is EVERY DAY and it never ends, does it?
har. har. har.
Heh, heh,—been there, seen that!
Good luck, my dear…
Be sure and visit my blog for my first giveaway…
great post on segullah! loads of great comments 🙂 makes me feel better knowing there are other people out there like me. when your mojo comes back, send some my way!
This photo is so funny. I wonder how many pillows there are there and how much laughter accompanied the putting of them there. Wish I could have been there to see it.