Gift idea for a pre-teen boy

Since the holidays are coming up I thought I might be of assistance if you have a 9-13 year old boy that you’ll be gifting to.  Sometimes preteen boys can be a little hard to buy gifts for if you don’t want to get anything involving video games or weapons.… Read More

Ten Days

Well, folks, it’s been ten days since I had a Mtn. Dew (or any soda, for that matter). This is quite possibly the longest stretch I’ve ever gone without my high fructose lover (even nursing–I’d just drink them before 3 pm so as not to keep my babies up late.… Read More


I’ve been browsing a bit on etsy lately.  It’s very addictive and I can find all sorts of non-useful things that I really must have.  Some favorites:   This monogrammed Queen Bee canvas: This cake platter is perfect for me; I love cakes, I love flowers, I love mosaics. I… Read More

Computers can just bite me!

It started out so simply: I gave India an itunes gift card for her birthday.  She has a snazzy blue ipod that she bought all by herself with her babysitting money.  So what a great gift, right? I’m tired of having her music on my computer (Happy Feet soundtrack anyone?)… Read More

A hairy day

The evidence: The victim: (now sporting a mullet) The perpetrator (also a victim of his own crime): Case Closed: Goodbye hair. We will miss you! By Hildie | Filed under Bad Things 16 Comments Share

Real live Mormons!

I came across a pretty funny article yesterday. It was in The Brooklyn Paper in Brooklyn, NY (which you can read here).  I doubt it meant to be as funny as it is. The article describes how a Young Adult Ward spent the morning cleaning a local park and the… Read More

A few things

This is a post about some of the random things rattling around in my life right now. There is a man with no teeth fixing my roof. He was quite charming and persuasive and I couldn’t resist his sales pitch even though I’m really into teeth. He informed me that he… Read More

The Village Halloween

I have a big Halloween Village.  I know, CHEESY!  But I looooove Halloween.  And I just couldn’t resist the siren call of cute, overpriced, plastic skeletons that move.  (Here is the entire product display at a store in Chicago. Mine is not nearly this over the top, but you get… Read More

Baby India

Would someone please tell me how I could possibly have a fourteen-year-old?  I mean, when did that happen?   I lucked out with this girl. She’s the best child a mom could hope for. Love you India! Happy birthday! By Hildie | Filed under Uncategorized 13 Comments Share