Get-to-Know-Jennie Week, Day 3

I do not like the following: falling heights being tipped backwards or upside down spinning Can you guess where my least favorite place is? If you said “an amusement park” you would be right!  Pick just about any ride and I will most likely hate it.  Maybe I have inner… Read More

Get-to-Know-Jennie Week, Day 2

I am an oldest child, but I somehow missed out on that “responsible oldest child” thing.  I was a good girl for the most part. But responsible? Notsomuch. I got the worst grades ever. I’m smart but I’ve always felt like homework was silly and cramped my style. I nearly… Read More


Cookies are my thing. I can do cakes pretty well, and my pies are decent too. But cookies are where it’s at for me. I love the relative ease of cookies. Some are complicated, but most are a two-bowl affair that can be in the oven in less than fifteen… Read More

Are you sick of dangerous drivers?

I was amused to read this article about Ford’s development of an ultra-safe inflatable seat belt. When are car companies going to realize that providing more safety is only backfiring?  Drivers feel too safe; too cocooned in their cars.  People are feeling invincible.  Ford has gotten it all wrong.  If… Read More

Yep, Halloween photos

Halloween: when I’m even more of a witch than normal. My mother is going to bug me until I post some pictures, so I’m just getting it over with.   All costumes were homemade this year (except York’s; all I had to get for him was a $4 ski mask.… Read More

I hate when life gets like this

There have been a few things in my life that have seriously started to unravel over the past couple of days.  Meaning that I will not be blogging for a bit. But I hope to see you again soon. Have a lovely Halloween! By Hildie | Filed under Uncategorized 9… Read More