Your desert island meal

You are stranded on a desert(ed) isle for one month.  There are fresh water and vitamins. What would you choose to eat? One food One sweet One beverage  Me? Bacon (crispy), chocolate chip cookie dough, milk (cold!) By Hildie | Filed under IMO 11 Comments Share

Oh, they wobble all right

I asked for this one year for Christmas. I mean, who could resist that monorail? Or those teacups? But I didn’t get the whole set. I only got the Mickey Mouse Weebles themselves. Maybe it was out of spite or maybe just curiosity, but I shortly found out what happens… Read More

Pass the earmuffs

One of the constants in my marriage; one of the things that never wavers no matter how many times we move or how many babies are born is this: Mister is always hot and I am always cold. It has been thus as long as we have known each other.… Read More

Don’t forget to bring tissues!

I’ve attempted to see Bright Star twice now, but I finally managed to see it last night.  Mister and I were a few minutes late for it last week, so we decided to go see something else instead.  I’m glad we didn’t stay and miss the beginning because the opening… Read More

Staff of Life

I love a good fake holiday.  You know, “National  ________  Day” (fill in the blank with just about anything: potato chips (March 14),  yo-yos (June 6th),  Chocolate Eclairs (June 22nd.  Why have I not been celebrating this?!),  square dancing (Nov. 29th), and moles (Oct. 23.  I don’t know if it… Read More

When in doubt, post photos!

I have nothing at all to say today.  So that means it’s time for pictures, everybody!  I was going through iphoto and realized that we did a lot of fun things this summer that I never blogged about.  Here is a sampler: A chain-link fence is strong enough to keep… Read More


(This picture captures her personality perfectly) My mother, known by the grandkids as “Boppie”, just left after a two week visit. She spent a lot of her time doing this: (otherwise known as finishing up my sewing projects. Although during this visit I think she was  stuck making a couple of… Read More