Here’s a hypothetical

If you were to spend the weekend in Dallas doing this: And came home to find this sitting next to your sink, what would you do?  Would you figure that the babysitter bought some sort of weird potatoes to feed to your kids?  And then would you pick it up… Read More

Sandwich Bread

To those of you who have been wanting to know how to make the white sandwich bread that I showed a couple of days ago;  I have some good news and some bad news.  First the good news: you can make this in a bread machine (well, the dough part,… Read More


I’m supposed to be writing a post for Segullah right now.  I have two pieces that I’ve been working on and neither of them looks very promising.  They are just not turning out. The writing muse can be rather fickle, I’m afraid.  So instead of banging my head against the… Read More

Flour makes my world go round

Sorry I haven’t been blogging much; I’ve been being productive.  I’ve had such a stagnant summer, that it feels good to get up early and have something to show for my day besides quarrelsome children and a messy playroom. I went on a big sock round-up yesterday and spent hours… Read More

All quiet on the Texan front

I always tear up a little when the kids walk out the front door on the first day of school.  I fix a nice breakfast to mark the specialness of the first day.   This year we ate yogurt and left-over Texas Sheet Cake. I forgot to buy bread, so… Read More

The day is spent and so am I

Just a little note to tell you that I am officially worn out.  This is the last week before school starts and I am running on fumes.  Thus, I probably won’t be blogging much.  I probably will once school is up and running and I have my life purring along.… Read More


  We’re back from Galveston.  Did you know that it’s actually an island?  I didn’t until I went there this week.  My friend Cheryl invited us to come and hang out with her and her kids (our husbands both had to work.  They’re lame that way) to “escape the heat”.… Read More