The Old Swimmin’ Hole

To beat the Texas heat we went to Krause Springs last week. It’s about 45 minutes west of Austin and is an old fashioned swimmin’ hole. Complete with a rope swing: It is, quite literally, a hole. It’s been carved out of limestone, thus the “beach” looks like this (I… Read More

The scoop on poop

You knew something like this would happen.  After all, I’ve told you that I’m potty-training Jasper and he won’t poop in the toilet. So here’s how it went down:  Ada comes in from the backyard yelling that Jasper has pooped in his pants again.  I go outside and there is… Read More

Ever so modest

I’m over at Segullah today writing modestly about modesty, that fun Mormon topic. But someone keeps jacking with the site, so it’s giving a malware error message on and off today. Our brilliant webmistress is on it, so if you get the malware message just go back later. By Hildie… Read More

Potty time

Pardon me for being a bit absentee this week but we’ve been potty training over the last few days. It dawned on me that Jasper will be starting preschool in a few weeks so we need to get down to business. I haven’t been in much of a hurry because… Read More

I am not your broom

Do you have a tile floor?  If so, stop (STOP!) what you are doing (reading blogs, obviously) and go get your credit card.  You need to buy this broom: I know what you’re thinking: “Uh-huh. Sure, Jennie. That looks totally lame.”   But trust me.  This will become your new… Read More

My favorite movie of 2009 (so far)

I just saw my favorite movie of 2009 (at least through August). It was the charming, funny, ever so creative and slightly painful (emotionally, that is) movie 500 Days of Summer. The writing is great, the music is wonderful, and the story is probably all too familiar for every one… Read More

Don’t tempt me

I’ve been looking for some cabinet knobs to jazz up my somber kitchen. Currently we have none. It’s just one plain cabinet door after another. Combine that with dark granite counters and a brownish/khaki-ish tile floor and it feels like I’m cooking in a cherry wood coffin. Painting the cabinets… Read More

What’s all the flap about?

SETTING: Jennie’s house, three of the four bathrooms. ISSUE: leaky toilets. How can I have three leaky, constantly running toilets all at once? I learned many years ago that leaky toilets usually mean one thing: they need a new flapper. Installing the flapper is easy as can be, but then… Read More

It’s not too late

I know I should have given you fair warning, but I’m just now getting around to reminding you that today is National Ice Cream Day. I, of course, planned ahead and bought a pint of Haagen Dasz Reserve (I take my National Days of Observation very seriously, folks.) Instead of… Read More