Lunch duty

I went and had lunch on Friday with Finn (our school is happy to have parents come and eat with their children.  Ugh.  That means I actually have to do it sometimes or my children feel left out and neglected).   I’d been shopping at Costco so I brought him… Read More

Oh, not this again!

I gave up caffeine last week.  Mountain Dew and I were getting a little too carried away in our torrid affair.  We just need some time apart.  You know how it is. Here’s the funny thing, though; it’s totally not a big deal, this giving up caffeine.  Do you want… Read More

2010: “The Word”

What is it this whole “theme for 2010” that is going around the blogosphere? Last year a few people were doing it: coming up with a theme word for their lives in 2009. Stuff like “excellence” or “positivity”. This year it seems like everybody is jumping on the bandwagon.  I… Read More

The hills are alive

At different points in motherhood it’s necessary to admit that the idea of what your family would be like–the one you’ve had stored up in your head since you were ten years old–will not be happening. One particular fantasy of mine came crashing down on Sunday.  Our family was asked… Read More

Oh, they wobble all right

I asked for this one year for Christmas. I mean, who could resist that monorail? Or those teacups? But I didn’t get the whole set. I only got the Mickey Mouse Weebles themselves. Maybe it was out of spite or maybe just curiosity, but I shortly found out what happens… Read More

Pass the earmuffs

One of the constants in my marriage; one of the things that never wavers no matter how many times we move or how many babies are born is this: Mister is always hot and I am always cold. It has been thus as long as we have known each other.… Read More

Computers can just bite me!

It started out so simply: I gave India an itunes gift card for her birthday.  She has a snazzy blue ipod that she bought all by herself with her babysitting money.  So what a great gift, right? I’m tired of having her music on my computer (Happy Feet soundtrack anyone?)… Read More