Item of the week–Flour

Helloooo? Anybody out there? Anybody still getting some extra pantry items? Well, you should be. And this week you should be getting flour. In less you have some sort of gluten-intolerance (in which case, SORRY! That sucks for you), flour/bread/cookies/cereal are a big part of your life, I’m guessing. Now… Read More

How to create great weather

If you’re suffering from too much snow and frigid temperatures, here is the foolproof way to end them: Knit yourself a lovely scarf. The whole time you’re knitting, the temps will hover in the 20’s. You will knit madly, so excited to finish! Finally the day will come when you… Read More

Item of the week–Chili/Soup

Many apologies, readers. It’s Wednesday night and I still haven’t posted the weekly item. It’s chili and/or soup. These foods are GREAT any time you don’t feel like cooking or have power. They are super good for you and in the case of chili–very filling. Buy as much as possible.… Read More

Fess-up Friday–mess edition

This is the most hesitant I’ve ever been about posting anything on my blog. But because I am all about honesty (on my own terms), I am going to admit something to you. My bedroom and closet are a terrifying nightmare. As in messy. Messy I’ve been methodically trying to… Read More

Cops and cookies

Yesterday, Valentine’s Day, I decided to make a big heart-shaped chocolate chip cookie for a friend. I ended up making way too much dough so I thought, “who could use a cookie? Probably nobody since we all have sugared-out kids by Valentine’s Day afternoon.” But then I thought about my… Read More

Things I will not be doing

Things I will not be doing: Taking a photo of my outfit every day. What is going on with all these women who post a picture of what they wore each day? I’m all for showing my life on the interwebs, but posting each and every outfit? What a drag.… Read More

Item of the week–Water

It’s Monday, the day when I tell you this week’s item. Which will be THE most important thing in your entire food storage. And it’s not even food, it’s WATER! Fortunately you don’t need to have a three month supply of this on hand; although it would be nice. We’re… Read More

Texas and H.E.B.

Oh wow, today’s Monday, isn’t it? I kind of forgot since the kids are home due to some sort of teacher training thing. I keep thinking Saturday is happening over and over. Especially since I had a sick child yesterday and didn’t go to church. I took a personal day… Read More