My calling: “The Ward Nag”

Yes ma’am, we’re bringing back the Food Storage Item of the Week. Wherefore, you might ask. I wrote this for Segullah on Thursday and thought I might post it here to explain my thinking a little. It’s more of a spiritual nature since it has to do with my job… Read More

Food Storage Kick off!

I posted over at Segullah today about Food Storage. I’m going to put my post up over here too, because this coming Monday is going to be the grand kick-off of Jennie’s Food Storage Item-of-the-Week and we might need a little motivation. I did this a couple of years ago… Read More

Goals, and I don’t mean soccer

I’m not a big fan of New Year’s Resolutions. They seem so forced, so contrived. This year, though, there are just so many ways I’m fed up with myself. So I’ve made about a dozen resolutions. Way to set myself up for failure! I’m a very firm believer in babysteps.… Read More

Don we now our gay apparel

Now is the time when I go into a full-on Christmas panic. Lately I have been living my life like somebody pressed the Fast Forward button, so let me just wish you a Merry Christmas today. Not sure I’ll be with it enough on Saturday to remember. P.S. If I… Read More

My Christmas letter to the school

Dear School That My Children Attend, First of all, today is the last day of school before Christmas vacation. Thus it is my last day to run errands child-free. You have scheduled my child’s class party for 9 am. Just because all the other parents take their children home as… Read More

All the pregnant ladies

I had some nice maternity pictures taken with Jasper since I knew he was my last baby. They were so pretty (except the ones where I look super fat). I’m not about to put them up here for your perusal since I don’t want to show my almost-nakey self to… Read More

I fought the gun and the gun won

Like most earnest and well-educated parents I decided that when I had children we would be “gun-free”. No shooting toys period.* (Except water guns because those aren’t about killing, they’re about laughing. And Nerf guns because, well, I don’t know. They’re just different.) I’ve always preferred my boys to pretend… Read More

The mystery called Mister

My husband, Mr. Jennie, does not like to be blogged about. He finds the whole idea of blogging to be egotistical and embarrassing. He likes people to think we are incredibly normal and pleasant. (Then what was he thinking marrying me, you are probably wondering. He asks himself that question… Read More