Obligatory Halloween Photos

Jasper the Skeleton (hand-me-down costume from Finn) Ada the Ladybug (I love when they want to wear last year’s costume) Arabella the witch (a gluegun, buttons and tulle go a long way) Finn went as . . . not really sure. He went to the trunk-or-treat on Friday but pooped… Read More

Halloween Candy: A Scholarly Treatise

The appeal of Halloween is easy to see. It revolves around one of the most magical themes of childhood: free candy. I had a slavish, almost pathological devotion to sweets growing up. It drove me insane, INSANE, to watch my sister parcel out her Halloween candy stash. She would eat… Read More

That crazy, crazy lady

Today is my mother’s birthday. I love her tons but she is one weird person. If you have ever met her you know what I am talking about. Look how normal she seems in this picture! (Let’s gloss over my pre-teen ugliness.) But she is wearing a wig (she came… Read More

Follow the T-Rex, don’t go astray

Do you have a little boy who loves dinosaurs and will be getting baptized soon? If so, I think I have the perfect cake for his special day! Don’t forget to sing everyone’s favorite Primary song, “Jesus Loves the Little Raptors”. (In case you’ve never checked out Cake Wrecks, please… Read More

Hobby Week–Embroidery FAIL

Lest you think that I am very gifted in the homemaker arts, let me tell you about embroidery. I got very jazzed a couple of years ago about all the darling stuff I could embroider. I even blogged about it here. Shortly thereafter I started embroidering a dish towel (or… Read More

Hobby Week–Baking

Hmmm, Hobby Week was a little sparse. Maybe I should make this Hobby Fortnight. One of my hobbies is not putting pictures in my blog. It takes such a loooong time (say this in a whiny voice). It’s such haaaaard work. I tend to really procrastinate when I’m working on… Read More

Hobby Week–Knitting

Ten years ago I begged my friend Nancy to show me how to knit. I learned the very basics and started knitting this hideous thing: It’s a bandage for people with leprosy. Not joking. Our church sent them to lepers in very poor parts of the world. Making leprosy bandages… Read More

Hobby Week–Sewing

I have decided that this week shall be Hobby Week here at Beehive and Birdsnest. I like to collect hobbies which isn’t surprising considering I was born to two people who always had some “thing” that they were into. My dad leaned toward things that go. He was on the… Read More

No longer “app”rehensive

Excuse me for going AWOL. I finally, after months of hemming and hawing, got an iphone. My texting days of pressing the button three times to get an “s” are over. Praise be! On top of that I had to get a new hard drive for my laptop. All my… Read More

A modest proposal (or Pie not Pi)

I’ve already admitted that I’m a mathist and that I hate all things number-related. Now that my children are getting older and bringing home more complex math assignments, it’s getting harder for me to respond to their whines of “why do we have to dooo thiiiiis?” At least when they… Read More