This could have turned out so badly

I’m feeling lots better today, thanksforasking. Turns out the antibiotic I’m on is the same one used for people who are exposed to anthrax. Although that makes me feel slightly strange, I guess it means this medicine gets down to business. To change the subject, I’m a big fan of… Read More

Utah makes me sick!

Literally. I’m going on my third week of pneumonia which I caught in Utah at the beginning of my trip. The combination of polluted, dirty air (and I thought Inversion only happened in the winter!), the climate as dry as a bone (my eyes felt like shriveled raisins the whole… Read More

Dear old golden rule days

I’m back from the Grand Utah Adventure. It was loads of fun but more important things are upon us–namely that today is the first day of school. I was sad for about five minutes. Three of my children are starting new schools (Ada starts kindergarten, Finn starts Middle School and… Read More

As I ponder punching things

My dog is sitting next to me looking out the window. She likes to bark at motorcycles and big trucks. We live down the street from a limestone quarry so she barks about every three minutes when a truck full of rocks rolls by. How can dogs not get tired… Read More

Books and more books

The saga of my laptop is still not over. I got it back and it has decided to not boot up ever again. Even my huband/Mac wizard couldn’t get it to boot up. So back to the shop it went. The verdict is still out but the upshot is I’m… Read More

Itching for a scratch

Central Texas has quite the infestation of mosquitoes this year. We had a very wet spring and now we are celebrating buy buying lots of cans of insect repellant. We have the typical dusk-loving mosquitoes, but this year there seems to be a brazen new strain of bugs that come… Read More

It’s time for pole-dancing

I’m sorry I didn’t post this earlier, but this is today’s Groupon for Austin (don’t tell me you aren’t slightly interested!) Did you notice the name of the place offering this class? The Brass Ovaries. For reals. You’ve only got a few more hours until this one expires, ladies. By… Read More

Unemployed, but blessed

We are still unemployed around here. Not fun. Tempers flare easily. But even with that there are still blessings. We know the Lord is watching out for us even though The Big Blessing (a great job) still hasn’t happened YET. Namely because in the last week: 1) Mister has gotten… Read More

My take on Inception

This is my review of the new movie Inception: me: [the entire first hour] I have no idea what is going on. me: [the second hour] OK, I kind of get what is going on. me: [the last half hour] Wait, I have no idea what is going on again.… Read More

Super awesome parenting tip

Not to brag or anything but my kids behave pretty well in public (when you have a lot of kids, there simply isn’t room for a lot of naughtiness. One bad kid is just a handul. Six bad kids is a recipe for total insanity). Last week I took them… Read More

The cute yellow farmhouse

Like most teenagers growing up I thought that cities were The Best. There could be nothing better in the world than being surrounded by culture and coolness 24 hours a day. Maybe I figured that if cities were amazing, then I must also be amazing by virtue of living in… Read More