Item of the Week–Toilet Paper

Have you ever noticed that toilet paper is never called toilet paper in commercials or at the store or even on the product packaging? It’s always given some sort of Victorian name like “bath tissue”. Because our delicate natures could never handle hearing the word toilet in public. Anyhoo, do… Read More

Where did Harry and Sally go?

I loved When Harry Met Sally so, so much. Naturally I was excited to see that a sequel was in the works. With Helen Mirren! Check out the preview. Hope you’re not drinking anything because you’re going to laugh! (There are a couple of swears. Sorry!) When Harry Met Sally… Read More

The Rainbow Party

Because I have about a million kids I don’t do birthday parties very often. We have birthdays just about every month from December-June and I get pretty birthday-ed out. Plus it’s really expensive. Poor little Adelaide turned six this year and has never had a party so we figured it… Read More

Item of the Week–Water

THE most important item in your storage. Get some. Today. Or tomorrow. But do get some. We all know by now that if you don’t have water you will die. The end. So this is not the kind of thing you want to put off. This is what I have… Read More

Have fun in the cold!

Yeah, have fun! Because I’m headed down to Mexico for my birthday cruise. I will be hanging with an elite group of superpowered mothers. We will not cook food, drive anywhere, sort laundry, make beds or listen to quarelling. We will try not to feel too bad about the six… Read More

The doll head

A few weeks ago I noticed a weird little pink thing in my driveway. I went and looked at it and it turned out to be a decapitated head from some sort of doll. Random, I thought, that there would just be a doll head with no body in sight.… Read More

Item of the Week–Pasta

Yes, we got mac & Cheese a while ago but this week we’re going to be working on plain old noodles. This includes Ramen. So let’s stock up on your favorites. My family eats this stuff a lot. It’s a great food to have on hand because it requires nothing… Read More

Oatmeal Cookies!

In honor of our item of the week (Oats! Buy some now!) let’s make some oatmeal cookies! This recipe is my favorite Oatmeal recipe ever. First of all let’s talk about oats; they come in Regular (also called Rolled) and Quick. The only difference is that Quick oats are rolled… Read More

On my doorstep

My sister is my best friend. I hated and loathed her growing up, but once we hit high school and college all those petty issues (like her birth) seemed to not matter anymore. We love to hang out so I was very disappointed when she announced that she was pregnant… Read More