This bear counted to infinity. Twice.

My sweet, gentle boy got invited to a birthday party at Build-a-Bear. When I picked him up afterwards he showed me his cute little bear, complete with bows on its ears and tummy. And then he showed me the bear’s birth certificate: You can always tell which kids have older… Read More

I am flexing my karmic muscles

Dear Universe,I am practicing The Secret. I am willing myself to win this trip to Paris. Because wouldn’t it be awesome to take my baby girl there for her 16th birthday? My only question is this: What if I’m practicing The Secret and someone else is also practicing The Secret… Read More

Item of the Week–Broth

This week we will be buying broth. Broth is the middle child of cooking. Always overlooked, never the star, but important nontheless. I use broth in about half of the entrees and side dishes that I cook. Usually chicken but sometimes beef or vegetable. Broth is just one of those… Read More

Sparkly Colored Oreos

Colored Oreos are an adorable party treat. Think of the theme possibilities! Pink and purple for a princess party. Red and blue for a Superman party. Light blue and brown for a boy baby shower. Green for St. Patrick’s Day. Oooh, my imagination is running wild! These are white chocolate… Read More

Rules of Summer

I’m really racking my brains, people, trying to figure out what to do/not do with my kids this summer. (TV? No TV? When? Schoolwork? Swimming Lessons? Breakfast at a set time? Or is my house going to be a restaurant this summer?) I really would love to hear if you… Read More

I have barely posted anything over the past two weeks. As I mentioned earlier, it’s been a bit busy around here. This is the last week of school and I am both excited (no more early mornings!) and dreading it (Ada and Arabella were driving me insane this morning and… Read More

Item of the Week–Batteries

Back in February, it got really cold here in Texas. Don’t roll your eyes! It was actually 13ยบ one morning. Because of the temps, most of the state did rolling blackouts to keep up with the power demands. I didn’t know this and was completely disconcerted to be right in… Read More

It’s May–the month that kills.

This is the end of May. Like you didn’t know that. But May is brutal. It is busybusybusy. Much like December, but without being pine-scented. There is the end-of-the-schoolyear everything: Concerts, tournaments, dinners, awards assemblies, concerts, graduations. And teacher gifts. Let’s not forget the angst those cause. Thursday (probably today… Read More

The good, the bad and the sew-y

Bad: My laptop decided to not acknowledge the existence of the internet this week. I could check my email through my iphone, but that’s about it unless I deigned to use the children’s computer. Good: I finally spent some time redecorating the room that Adelaide and Arabella share. I’ve been… Read More