Tornadoes, brimstone and you

Last Friday I was on my weekly Costco trip getting our usual six gallons of milk and a jillion eggs. As I sat and tried to decide whether to buy some canned chicken I had the oddest feeling come over me; it was a feeling that food would be getting… Read More

Cake in a Jar

It’s Teacher Appreciation Week! In the past some Room Moms have turned it into more of a Parent Extortion Week with requests for gift cards and hardcover books, but this year we’re keeping it simple. My kids will be doing thank you notes and these lovelies: Red Velvet cake in… Read More

Turning into your mother

Today at Segullah I’m discussing the notion of becoming more like our mothers. Is it unavoidable? Is it a good thing? Bad? Come over and comment! Don’t be shy! By Hildie | Filed under Uncategorized Add a Comment Share

My tuppence on The Wedding

About the Royal Wedding. I missed it. Due to my stellar math skills, including but not limited to the complete inability to do subtraction, I thought with time zone differences the wedding would be on Saturday morning. Add to that the fact that I don’t really have TV (we have… Read More

Item of the Week–Medicine

I can’t believe I forgot to post this! I’ve been so busy posting about silly things that I completely forgot! This week we’re buying medicine–just the over-the-counter stuff: Advil, allergy meds, stomach meds. Anything that your family takes on a regular basis. Don’t forget the baby Tylenol and other such… Read More

The only funny French guy

Have you heard of Remi Gaillard? He’s a hilarious Frenchman who dresses up and does practical jokes. Gather your kids around to watch this clip because you are all going to laugh yourselves silly when you watch him dressed up as a kangaroo. Yes, it sounds stupid. But I had… Read More


Christ the Lord is ris’n today! (Well, not today but around this time a couple thousand years ago.) Happy Easter! I ate candy all through church. By Hildie | Filed under Holidays 15 Comments Share