This Week’s Item–Water

I know, I know, we already did water. Twice. But you guys need to understand how important this is! Especially in this hot weather. You simply cannot have too much water. Don’t put this off. Get at least one flat (a flat is one of those big old packs with… Read More

Uh, sorry folks

My computer has been freaking out lately. No, “freaking out” is incorrect. It’s more like my computer has been having seizures. It doesn’t like the internet most of the time. But then sometimes, it will let me get on the internet for a day or two. But then for five… Read More

Living in Austin–The Critters

So, Austin is hot. And hot places have one thing in common: there are lots of critters. It only makes sense since it rarely gets cold enough to kill all the bugs and snakes. Yes, there are scorpions here. If you live in a house less than a year or… Read More

Living in Austin–The Land and the Weather

Austin is a great place to live. If for no other reason that every time you travel someplace else people will ask where you’re from and then reply, “Oooh, I love Austin!” Or “I’ve heard Austin is totally great!”. It’s nice to get that positive reaction, especially after living in… Read More

Item of the Week–Tampons and pads

I hate when people are so coy and call these items “feminine hygiene products”. Americans can be so Victorian about the weirdest things. Nevermind that there are tons of high school girls out there wearing short shorts that show their butt cheeks and skimpy little tank tops. But let’s not… Read More

Story Problems for Today’s Mom

Good Gravy, the last few days have been crazy. When did summer get so busy? (Answer: this week.) I thought it might be easier to explain things as story problems, although I always hated them when I was in math class. Instead of figuring out the dumb problems, I always… Read More

Item of the Week–Vitamins

Hopefully this item is a no-brainer. Why wouldn’t you need vitamins? Especially if you haven’t stocked up on fruits and veg and we were in a long-term situation without fresh produce. Ever heard of scurvy or beri-beri? They involve all sorts of lovely things like teeth falling out and bleeding… Read More