You knew this day was coming

This day comes every August. Almost exactly two weeks before school starts. The day when I begin to dislike my children. The day when I don’t care about doing stations anymore. Watch TV and play video games all day, kids. Whatever. So what. Just leave me alone. Oh, and I’m… Read More

Face this!

I finally have a Facebook page for this blog. Go ahead and like me. All the cool kids are doing it. Or rather, they will once they read this post. By Hildie | Filed under Blogging 1 Comment Share

Item of the week–Toothpaste

This is kind of a no-brainer. Last week we did toothbrushes so let’s make our oral health complete. Get at least one tube of toothpaste per person. By Hildie | Filed under Uncategorized 1 Comment Share

Utter Neglect

I have been neglecting this blog very sorely. Part of it is general summer laziness; the fact that our schedule is rather–how shall I put it–fluid. I do the minimum amount of everything needed. The least amount of cooking, the least amount of cleaning, and the least amount of blogging.… Read More

How to have a terrible block party

Tuesday night was the National Night Out. It is supposed to be the time when every neighborhood in the country has a party. Well, that’s not a lofty goal, is it? Being a block captain, it is my job to be in charge of our street’s party during the National… Read More

Item of the week–Toothbrushes

Well now, this week’s item is nice and straightforward; no worries about picky eaters or gluten intolerance. If you have teeth, you need toothbrushes. I would recommend at least two per person. Get the cheapos or splurge–it’s up to you. Just keep in mind how much you won’t want to… Read More

Item of the week–Drink Mix

Remember how we bought water a couple of weeks ago? Well, this is the perfect thing to go with it. Whether it’s Lemonade mix, Kool-aid or Crystal Light, this is great to have on hand in case you are left drinking water that maybe doesn’t taste so great (our tap… Read More

Homemade Wheat Thin Crackers

I spent several months on the Paleo bandwagon and I just decided that it’s not the way I want to feed my family. While many people have an intolerance to gluten, we don’t. I also strongly feel that wheat and grains are an important and wholesome part of our diet.… Read More

Item of the week–Band-aids

Have you ever run out of band-aids? It’s such a pain (Haha, pain! Get it?). We’re right in the middle of skinned-knee season so your supplies might be running low. I know mine are. If you have small children then you probably go through these things like water. When I… Read More