Fun at Round Top

Before I lived in Texas I had never heard of the Round Top Antiques fair. Which is amazing to me considering that it is the largest antiques fair in the country. How big am I talking about? Over 300 acres of antiques, cool finds and crafts.  300 acres. Wow. It’s… Read More

Pictures of the Dead

There is something I don’t think I have ever talked about on my blog: I had a stillborn baby. It was many years ago and it was very sad and really, what is there to say? One day I was happily six months pregnant and the next day I was… Read More

Item of the Week–Duct Tape

This is a fun week!  But don’t think I’m just being silly. Duct tape is a fantastic item to have on hand. You can use for everything from hanging up a tarp (think a makeshift tent or for privacy), to binding up a wound. You’d be hard-pressed to find a… Read More

The Magic Circle

I am not a believer in luck. I mean, lucky things happen. But I don’t believe in it as a “force” exactly. But I do believe in the Magic Circle.  I have a Magic Circle. I was having lunch with some friends today and we started discussing what exactly the… Read More

Don’t listen to yourself at 3 am.

Do you ever have those dreams where you are slightly awake but still asleep enough that your dreams are vaguely realistic but outlandish? Dreams where pointless and silly things seem completely important and logical? That was me last night. Occasionally these kinds of dreams will turn into stress fests where… Read More