Hypnobirth: My Experience

As I mentioned in my post earlier this week, I am a fan of epidurals. But by my fifth baby I thought, I’d really like to know what if feels like to have a baby without pain medication. I would like to be able to say definitively which is better.… Read More

Epidural vs. Nonmedicated Childbirth

Nowadays pregnancy and childbirth are much more stylish than when I started bearing children in the mid-90’s. And it seems there are even more opinions about what’s right and what’s not right. (Of course my opinion is superior.) I feel like I can offer a different viewpoint than most women… Read More

Silky Shorts and Other Horrors

I’m over at Segullah today posting this. But since I know you’re probably too lazy to click over there, let’s get a discussion going here too. I’m really interested in everyone’s opinions. My 14-year-old son, York, has a pair of bright orange silky shorts. I loathe silky basketball shorts. I’m… Read More

How To Have A Good Halloween

For How-To Tuesday I’m going to tell you how to have a good Halloween. So what if this is entirely non-applicable for another 364 days! You can memorize this list for next year. 1. Carve Jack-o-Lanterns. Roll your eyes when your 10-year-old daughter says that pumpkin guts make her sick.… Read More

Makeup Monday–Eyebrows

Is it just me or has the whole world gone crazy for eyelash extensions and coloring? I’m hearing about this stuff all over the place and it’s not cheap. I don’t get it; eyelashes are just a thin line of hair. Yes, they might emphasize the eye but I can… Read More

How to Make a Very Full Tutu

Any costume-making procrastinators out there? No? Just me? Don’t fret. Halloween is still almost a week away. Not enough time to get something shipped in the mail, but plenty of time to make a tutu. This week for How-To Tuesday I’ll be showing you how to make one. This tutorial… Read More

How to Make Perfect Snickerdoodles

I’m going to start a feature called Friday Favorites. I’ll be posting some of my old recipes and posts on Fridays. O.K. basically it’s reruns. But maybe it’s new to you!  Maybe you didn’t know who I was back when I posted my Snickerdoodle tutorial the first time.  It was… Read More