Some Odds and Ends

This is what I’ve been thinking about lately: People never use the word “marvelous” anymore. I think it’s a shame. What a great word! As a matter of fact it’s marvelous. So expect to hear it a lot more on this blog. __________________________ My New Year’s resolutions have gone outstandingly… Read More

The Beach

While I do like to get dressed up and go out, my favorite is to sit around and do my little hobbies. While partying in Las Vegas can be fun (maybe like once a decade), I enjoy peace and quiet. Most of my friends are of the same mind. So… Read More

Not a Huggy Family

Sometimes I see families at church that are very cuddly with each other. They’re all sitting on the pew with their arms around each other. This is not us. This is not how we are. I view them like I do people who have clean laundry rooms: with admiration, bafflement… Read More

Birthday Parties I Hate

The Kindergarten birthday party circuit has begun. And now that I’m on my sixth kindergartener I have made a decision: if I can’t drop my kid off and leave the party then we won’t be coming. Sorry. Your child’s birthday is not important to me. Isn’t it enough that we… Read More

Bite Me, 2011!

I am pretty thrilled to see 2011 go. It was sort of a dismal year for me and my fam. I’m trying to think of anything really great happened . . . . . . still thinking . . . . . . thinking . . . Nah. Nothing. I… Read More