Finn and the Urine of Mystery

Today my son Finn is thirteen. That puts the number of teenagers at my house to three.  This is what I didn’t know about kids growing up: the older they get, the more fun they are.  Teenagers are really cool. Much cooler than toodlers and about a jillion times cooler… Read More

What I Did Instead of Making Oreo Stuff

Welp, my “week of Oreo recipes” certainly ended with quite a fizzle, didn’t it? I was bursting with enthusiasm when I made my little announcement that I’d make a different recipe every single day. I hadn’t thought it through for more than ten seconds.  What didn’t occur to me was… Read More

Don’t Be Gelish of Me

It’s Makeup Monday! Which means it’s time to talk about makeup! Or in this case, nail polish. Women seem to fall into two camps: fake nail afficianodos and people who don’t really care all that much about their nails. Before I had children I loved to get my nails done… Read More

Oreo Fruit Dip

This is a dip for fruit. It’s probably well known to many of you (minus the Oreos) as there are not a ton of fruit dips out there.  I love to combine all sorts of different textures of food, I thought the sweet crunch of Oreos would combine well with… Read More

Oreo Trifle

In the spirit of Oreo cookie’s 100th birthday, we’re going to make an Oreo trifle today. Trifle are such great desserts to bring to a party; they usually feed a lot of people and they have a big “wow” factor. The scallops created by the Oreos make this trifle extra… Read More

Oreo-Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies

Our first recipe in honor of Oreo’s 100th birthday this week is for Oreo-Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies. These cookies are totally gilding the lily, which is an excellent thing when it comes to baked goods. I know you’re thinking this is like the cookie version of a terducken, but they… Read More

Happy Birthday Oreos!

March 6th marks the hundredth birthday of Oreo cookies. They are very special to me because they’re the only store-bought cookie that I like (I am the snobbiest of cookie snobs).  Every time I eat one I think, “boy, I forgot how good these are!” Did you know that they… Read More

The Importance of Not Being Jennie

JenJennJennyJennieJennifer We are everywhere. Unless you are one of us you do not understand the trauma of being one of three girls with the same name in every class you’ve ever been in. You don’t comprehend the pure suckiness of always having to follow your name with an initial because… Read More

Satan’s Sweat

When I had my first baby and started nursing, the most surprising thing (besides feeling like my nipples were about to be sucked right off my body) was how thirsty I was all the time. My mouth felt I’d been eating ashes. I started drinking gallons of milk, water, juice,… Read More

My Irrational Fear

Do you have a weird and unfounded fear? It’s not just me, right? My fear, as embarrassing as it is, is talking to strangers on the phone. I love to talk on the phone to my friends (You would probably faint if you saw my phone bill). But the minute… Read More