Lovely Quote of the Day

This is a quote by Constance Spry who was THE most important florist ever. She singlehandedly changed the flower-arranging world in the first half of the 20th century. She was quite a remarkable woman and I adore this quote of hers.                                                                                                                       Illustration by Julia Rothman By Hildie | Filed… Read More

The week I Raised Nine Kids

I have been the mother of nine this week. My sister, Arianne, went with her husband on a 10-year-anniversary trip to Mexico and stopped in Austin to drop her kids off on the way.  So I have been raising another 5 and 6 year-old. Some of whom are a little… Read More

School Valentines Dos and Don’ts

The first year I had a child in preschool I committed all sorts of faux pas (hey, pick up and drop off can be tricky!)   There are sorts of opportunities to screw things up especially around holidays.  I didn’t even think to ask my friends with older children for advice!… Read More

Shrinky Dinky Love

Hello my darlings, sorry to be so utterly neglectful but it’s been vacation time lately. I spent a few fun-filled days in Utah visiting my sister and her not-so-new baby. So ashamed that she was born in May and I’m just barely meeting her for the first time. That’s what… Read More

The Most Idiotic Things Said to Parents

One of the most irritating things about having lots of children is that I start to hear the same comments over and over. Many of them are incredibly stupid and inane. Mostly they’re just things that people say because they don’t want you to know what they’re really thinking.  Here… Read More

Get Thee Behind Me, Sugar

So, it’s time to fess up about my New Year’s Resolutions. We won’t get into the sordid details of every single one, but the big one has been giving up sugar. Which I have done. Sugar and I have gone our separate ways. Yes, I still eat things like bread… Read More

How to Make Amazing Cinnamon Rolls

At some point in every woman’s life, there will be a yearning to make cinnamon rolls. (OK, probably every American woman. I can’t imagine some Chinese lady in a rice paddy standing up one day and thinking “I would like to make a sweet bread I’ve never heard of.” Or… Read More