I have been the mother of nine this week. My sister, Arianne, went with her husband on a 10-year-anniversary trip to Mexico and stopped in Austin to drop her kids off on the way. So I have been raising another 5 and 6 year-old. Some of whom are a little more . . . opinionated and belligerant than I am used to. I also have an 8 month-old baby. She is sweet as sugar but ohmygosh I forgot babies are so constant. And needy. And poopy. I am getting nothing done. Plus, baby Pippa has been sleeping in my closet (I have a very large closet) which means if I forget to get my clothes out the night before I must wait to get changed until she gets up. Not that it matters because I have left the house exactly twice since they got here last Friday. And neither time was for a romantic Valentine’s getaway. (Valentine’s was a non-event this year.)
I ventured out to the store-that-shall-not-be-named yesterday because I needed Fels Naptha soap and Huggies and that’s the only store that sells both. I had on a sloppy sweatshirt and crocs. And no makeup and a two day old ponytail. It was like I’d taken a time machine back to the days when I had two babies and simply couldn’t get my act together. But unlike 1997, I didn’t feel bad or apologetic about my appearance. Because I’m living the nine kids reality right now and if that’s not an excuse to let yourself go, I don’t know what is.
My sister gets home some time today. I forgot to ask her when. As I was giving her daughter, Daphne, yet another scolding yesterday (“Daphne, I told that you’d get a time out if you slammed the door!” “But I was slamming the closet door. You said I’d get a time out if I slammed the bedroom door.”), she sobbed, “I wish my mom were here!”
Me too, Daphne. Probably more that you.
You sound like me. I’m not-so-good at watching someone else’s kids. The whole idea terrifies me.
What a great sister you are!!!!!!!
Jennie, you have been fabulous with those kids! And your house has been amazingly clean throughout! While I was delighted to welcome the older two of the Utah twigs of my family tree for a few over-nighters (which were fun but wearing), I don’t know how you survived a week of 9!! Especially plus diaper rash! People will do for love what you couldn’t pay them ten thousand bucks to do for money!
Go, SuperJen!
Ha ha ha ha, I don’t envy you! Smart kid, with the doors.
You went to Walmart, didn’t you? DIDN’T YOU?
Oh, you dear soul. It sounds like my house. Did you survive? Sending you wishes for a restful recovery. xo