A Great Gift Book

Just got my big box o’ presents from Amazon. Both of my older boys put “Funny Books” on their Christmas lists and I think I hit the jackpot with this fantastic one by Terry Border called Bent Objects. It’s a hilarious book of little vignettes made of everyday objects with… Read More

Odd Picture of the Day

We were walking along and saw a bed. In the woods. So I had Mister take a picture of me on it. That is all. By Hildie | Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: a bed in the woods 8 Comments Share

Let’s Go To The Movies

I have tried three times to write about a funny day that I had last week but right now The Funny has left me and I could only make it sound like a weird, slightly pathetic day. Life has been dealing harshly with me lately and I think I’m kind… Read More

My Favorite Christmas Book

Today I am going to tell you about my favorite Christmas book. I’ve blogged about it before but then it went out of print and the world became a sadder place. But I noticed that it’s back in print! Yipee! (Softcover only, though. Sigh.) It’s so worth adding to your… Read More

My Sort of Sad Thanksgiving

So, Thanksgiving. We went to Arizona to celebrate with Mister’s family. His three siblings and most of their children joined us from around the country. We weren’t just celebrating the holiday, but Mister’s dad’s 80th birthday as well. So the week was a pretty big deal. As we were boarding… Read More