For our old friends & neighbors

Since I mentioned my blog on the Christmas card, I thought you might stop by.  Here are some more recent pictures and info about us. My mom and India spent a lot of time hanging out and talking about books during Boppie’s visit last month. India hasn’t been loving middle… Read More

Merry Christmas

Random Christmas facts: I really like putting Playmobils together. I got massive quantities of candy in my stocking, but no worries because I also got Dance Dance Revolution for the wii and I plan on dancing myself thin. My bedroom looks like a complete disaster with shopping bags, scraps of… Read More

Christmas Eve Eve

Like you’re actually going to be reading a blog today.  But just in case you find yourself with some free time on Christmas Eve, here’s a rundown of what I did yesterday (which is still Tuesday in my head since I haven’t gone to sleep yet). Let me just say… Read More

Best movie of the year

Mister came home from the Austin Film Festival earlier this year and announced, “I have a new movie for my top 10 list! It’s called Slumdog Millionaire.  When it comes out you have to see it!”   It finally came out here and we went to see it last week.… Read More

Last day of school before the holiday

Dear Teacher, I couldn’t help but notice that heaping bounty of gifts on your desk today.  Especially when you decided to open them all with the children seated around you like a second-grade baby shower. Here is what I will be giving you this Christmas season: Your salary Love, Mrs.… Read More


I have been feeling a little under the weather this week. A yucky sore throat that won’t go away, a weird cough that only comes at night and general tiredness. Therefore I have not woken up early a single day this week. No 5:15-workout-then-shower-before-I-get-the-kids-up. No, not even just a plain… Read More

These are a few of my favorite things

Although cream-colored ponies are lovely, they’re not one of my favorite things. But these are: 1. Getting the first scoop out of the peanut butter jar 2. Sitting in a dark movie theatre, eating popcorn drenched in butter, watching the previews 3. Baby laughter 4. Hills ablaze with autumn leaves… Read More

Red light, green light

You guys know I love Mister, right? He’s just not the handiest guy around.  As in not handy at all.  And apparently Christmas lights fall into the “handy” category.  We haven’t had them in years; not since we lived in Oregon and had some out-of-work Russians who would hang ours… Read More

Jennie vs. The Christmas Card

The Christmas card is a big deal to me. I feel a drive deep within my soul to make my children wear matching clothes and be photographed together. (Please don’t judge/hate me for it.  You know how some of you are fanatic about cleanliness?  And some about running?  Or whatever?… Read More


Yesterday I took my mother to the airport. (She’s been here for almost three weeks. WoW! Yes, that is a long time). When I dropped her off at 2:15 it was 81º. When I dropped India off at church five hours later it was 33º. And this morning there is… Read More

Mr. Mister

I rarely talk about Mister, because he doesn’t like me to. He doesn’t like to make a spectacle of himself (or worse, he doesn’t want me to make a spectacle of him which I do all the time, much to his dismay). I have to say this, though.  He is… Read More