Don’t be such a dummy

Jasper is having a hard week.  His grand passion (A.K.A. his pacifier.  Known around here as “the dummy”) was nowhere to be found on Friday night. I took that as a sign from the parenting gods that his days of sucking on silicone were at an end. With most of… Read More

Where’s Zimbabwe?

I don’t know why the U.S. decided that Saddam Hussein was public enemy #1 with that evil wacko Robert Mugabe running around*.  I seriously can’t understand why somebody hasn’t taken that guy out.  He has run Zimbabwe into the ground.  What was once the most literate, rich country in Africa… Read More

Today’s ludicrous headline

This is almost too incredible to be believed, but it is true:   Porn industry seeks federal bailout The best part of the article?  Larry Flynt’s quote that “People are too depressed to be sexually active. This is very unhealthy as a nation. Americans can do without cars and such… Read More


I never really gave much of a recap of my trip to Orlando.  Mostly because I didn’t want to mention that I was on vacation lest any thieves be avid readers of my blog and decide to rob me while I was gone. We went to Disneyworld with most of… Read More

Are you one of the cool kids?

In other words, will you be joining me in our little foray into food storage and preparedness?  Here is a brief explanation in case you missed it earlier.  Before we start the ball rolling, let’s get a head count.  Anyone have any requests for specific items?  By Hildie | Filed… Read More


Just got home from Florida. Realized that I forgot to fill up the tank of the rental car. That’s an expensive whoops. Woke the kids up at 4:30 this morning to get to the airport. They haven’t had a decent night’s sleep since before we left. Smelly and tired.  Maybe… Read More

Baby New Year

Happy 2009!  Is it just me or does 2009 seem incredibly futuristic? Today on the news everybody was “predicting” (otherwise known as wishing) the economy to turn around and start to thrive this year (right around Jan. 20th, I’m guessing). I predict complete chaos and/or destruction and/or economic meltdown this… Read More

Sunshine State

First of all, this is my 300th post.  What in the world have I been blogging about?  Pretty much nothing. And you’ve been reading my nothings. Lucky you! Secondly, my posting this week has been a bit erratic because I’ve been at the Land of a Million Dreams Nightmares. Otherwise… Read More

What “emergency” means

I was going to the bathroom, fan turned on to drown out the world (or at least my children), when I heard a furious pounding on my bedroom door.  I waited and the pounding continued.  Thinking somebody would be standing outside my door covered in blood or awaiting the Heimlich… Read More