Did you miss me?

Four days without writing in my blog! The longest I’ve ever gone, I do believe. Mister and I had a lovely weekend in Fredericksburg, Texas for his birthday. Fredericksburg, in case you’ve never been, is a quaint little town in the middle of nowhere (as is most every place in… Read More

O tannenbaum

I’m trying to scrape together any shards of enthusiasm I have for the holidays and Christmatize my house.  I realize most of you decorated the second the Thanksgiving dishes were clean, but holiday decorations are simply not my thing.   Why isn’t a tree good enough?  Why must I have… Read More

Une petite jalousie

My new BFF Michelle is a force to be reckoned with.  Not only did she write a fab article for Segullah today, but she is the featured story on Shutterfly.  She makes me green with envy because of her writing and especially her photography skills.  But she’s such a sweetie… Read More

The Church of Stop Shopping

I am a huge fan of documentaries and will watch just about any of them that hit our local theatres. Last year I saw one called What Would Jesus Buy. At first I thought it might be some sort of a sacreligious thing, but it was actually a fantastic movie… Read More

It’s over, in a good way

NaBloPoMo* is over!  It was hard writing every day.  Especially while in a turkey-induced coma that lasted nearly three days. For all you food storage followers: we will be taking off the entire month of December.  So no canned goods or other sundries until January.  Hopefully you won’t be stone… Read More

If you’re feeling Grinchy

It’s time to start getting ready for Christmas.  I always heave a sigh and think, “already?  Didn’t we just have Christmas a little while ago?” My favorite way to get in the mood for Christmas is to read all the lovely books I’ve collected over the years.  My absolute favorite… Read More

Thanksgiving revisited

Would somebody grab this friggin’ turkey before I drop it???!!! Mmmm, rolls.  My favorite thing to eat. Pie.  One of many. I was so excited about the food situation I forgot to take any more pictures.  It was one of our tastiest Thanksgivings, though. By Hildie | Filed under Baking… Read More


This time of year I’m reminded that I don’t really care for pie.  I kind of like chocolate-y pies, and some lemon pies.  To me the mystery of the universe is pumpkin pie. pie + vegetables = not a chance  I don’t care how much whipped cream you slather on… Read More

Bounteous blessings

Today I am thankful for: Health!  We haven’t been sick all year.  Hooray! My husband finally getting a job that he loves. Cheap gas Lots and lots of food. By Hildie | Filed under Uncategorized 4 Comments Share

The feast

I’ve got the turkey defrosting in the fridger (that’s what Ada calls it).  Next on my list is homemade crescent rolls and an apple pie.  I’ve already run into a snag: there are only Gala and Fuji apples at the grocery store.  Who decided these are the only apples we… Read More