The Christmas card is a big deal to me. I feel a drive deep within my soul to make my children wear matching clothes and be photographed together. (Please don’t judge/hate me for it. You know how some of you are fanatic about cleanliness? And some about running? Or whatever? This is my mania.) Sometimes Mister and I are in the photo, sometimes not. Every year there is some link in the Christmas card chain which threatens to break and ruin the entire endeavor. Many years it is the matching outfits. Getting six children plus two adults in outfits that match (not just coordinate) is supremely difficult (and, crazy person that I am, I make them wear matching outfits on Easter too. Fortunately my kids are used to it and do my bidding without much complaining). Matchy clothes are much harder to find as the kids get older. When they were all little I could just hit Children’s Place and call it good. Now I often have to sew (which I can do pretty well but it is certainly a complete pain.) There is also much use of websites and ebay. Hartstrings is a good resource for matchy clothes. Although their boy/girl matches only happen two or three times a year. (They have pretty good sales. I bought our Easter ’09 outfits this last September. They were on clearance. Got to be ahead of the game, people!)
I got the matching outfits in July with the idea that we would do a big beach theme now that we live a few hours from the coast. Try as I might I could not find a photographer. I’m sure there must be lots of them around Padre Island, but not that I could find. So we scrapped the beach thing and just took photos at the neighborhood club house (thank you Cheryl for being our photographer!) They turned out pretty well except that I was laughing for real, not doing my perfect fake “photo smile” so my eyes are squint city. I also had some weird shadows going on so I sent the pic to my brother Ben who is a Photoshopper Extraordinaire. He got a little wrapped up in the magic of Photoshop because this is what he sent back:
(he sent along a real version too, thank goodness, or I would have killed him.)
Yes, that’s us as Brad and Angelina. If only I had Brad to come home to every night! Sigh. . . . OK, where was I? So this year I am being stymied by the card itself. I had a friend design some really cute cards and they are ready to go. I just cannot figure out how to get a great quality card made fast. I can get a great quality card made and shipped out to me in a week (too long). I’m not doing that thing on photo paper at Costco, so don’t even go there, m’kay? We actually have a really fancy professional printer at our house, but frankly even that doesn’t look fantastic. It still looks “printerish”. Mister ran off some proofs last night and let’s just say some nasty fighting ensued about whether they were good enough, why I am such a snob and what is the point of Christmas cards in the first place (Duh! To show off ! We’re all show-offs about something, so cut me some slack. At least I’m being honest.)
I already bought and addressed all the envelopes so they’d be good to go. Now what? I swear I’m going to go insane!
So if you’re my friend in real life, sorry to spoil the magic. You’ll be getting your dumbass card eventually, I promise.
I share your obsession friend. But I’d better get my card from you quick!
Well, even getting my husband to show up for pictures is a miracle. He is WAY worse than the kids about photo shoots. So the idea of matching clothes is a crime to him. We’ve had our pictures for a month, but still not printed (guess whose job that is?). So I share your pain.
HAHAHA!!! I love you Jennie. And I love laughing at your pain. Sorry! I hope you get it all figured out. Who cares if they aren’t there by Christmas…they are perfect, right?!?!?! Big warning mine will most likely be late and crappy, but I love to blame it all on a new baby, whom by the way is sooo dang cute. Wish you were here to meet him.
mine are very printer-ish. oops.
i would send you one but do i have your address? (email me.) however, now that i know of your christmas card snobbery do i even dare? (yes.)
True story: as I was reading, #1-daughter-Mary saw the picture and asked, “Is that us? Oh, no that’s not us. But it looked like us!”
I think that she was just referring to the Brangelina part. And, apparently, she can’t count. Or identify herself. Or recognize that we never, ever, ever wear matching anything.
I wish that I was totally obsessed with getting a cute, and totally perfect Christmas card out, but alas I fall into the too lazy crowd, I also happen to have a husband that is not so big on the family photos.
good luck with the cards, I am sure that you will work it out, and then you will be able to show of your perfect, and perfectly matching, family.
I actually decided to scrap the whole card thing this year…too much going on and something had to give…maybe people will get a valentine card from us?!
HAHA I love your honesty! I’m sure the cards will turn out great!
I can vividly recall being completely puzzled at your absolute obession that your wedding announcements be ENGRAVED, not printed. I couldn’t even tell the difference when you tried to show me. This is one example that shows some people just have a very firm, um, dare I say, testimony, about the way some things should be?
I was just thinking today how odd it was I had not yet received your card. It is always, by far, the most beautiful, show offy, of the yearly bunch. I always look forward to what you have in store for us next! I do wonder though, at what age will your children altogether revolt? I can just see you complaining to Darren about how Yorks’ wife is just so unreasonable about wearing matching clothes for your family photo…I mean, you’ll even sew it for her!
BTW, my cheap, ordinary Shutterfly card will hopefully be on its way this week….
Oh, you take Christmas carding to a whole new level. I will now stand back in awe.
i love that you are so honest about your christmas card mania! i bet i will be that way when i have kids!
I love the outfits. I totally think you should keep the Brad and Angie mugs on them though. They would get a lot of laughs from your friends and family. I can’t wait to get mine! (hint, hint)
The card is cute, but your kids are too white to be Brad and Angelina's kids! ;D