Movie time

I went to see that Shopaholic movie last weekend. (Mister so loves movies he will see absolutely anything that I want to.)  The books were cute and fun, but I can’t say that I enjoyed the movie.  First of all it’s about a British girl.  But you know Hollywood; they… Read More

Co-pay? What’s that?

I had to take Jasper to the doctor yesterday. He was rubbing his ear all morning and moaning “ooouuuuch”. It turns out his right ear is so infected that it’s almost hemorraging. I don’t exactly know what that means, but I envision an explsion of goo and pus flying out… Read More

Ni hao!

Mister and I have some good friends* who are going to Hong Kong and China in June and invited us to come along. Actually, we invited ourselves to come along because it sounded fun and we have a ton of frequent flyer miles that are about to expire. So we… Read More

He loves me, he loves me not

 I just got back from the grocery store.  I asked Mister to pick up some eggs last night and he did.  Then he proceeded to use them all for breakfast this morning.  I got breakfast in bed, so I can’t exactly be mean about it.  But I was a little… Read More

Hap Val Day

Technically it’s Valentine’s Day tomorrow.  But if you have kids you know the real Valentine’s Day revolves around class parties; thus Valentine’s Day is, for all practical purposes, today.  I’ll be making the rounds later on to watch my children get completely strung out on sugar and red dye #12.… Read More

I lost my mojo

I haven’t forgotten about the 72-hour kits; I just lost my preparedness mojo for a little while.  But I’m back in the saddle, thanks to the great Murphy’s Law article at The Epicenter.  Remember how I mentioned a while back that you’ll be going to the Army Surplus store for your… Read More

Facebook, how I dislike you

I swear Facebook will be the death of me!  I keep thinking that I’m writing private messages, only to have them slapped right up on the main page. And they can be a bit gossipy.  And a little on the snotty side.  I’d better just keep everything pleasant and superficial… Read More

Love, loss and goodies

Right now my heart is feeling heavy like a sponge left in the bottom of the tub after a bath. I just finished reading On Agate Hill by Lee Smith. It was lovely and haunting and wonderful and sad. I bought it instead of checking it out from the library.  I’m… Read More

You’ll thank me for this

Hmm, no you might actually curse me.  But tell you, I must.  Costco now carries the most delicious candy ever: chocolate caramel macadamia clusters. I love chocolate.  I love caramel.  I love macadamia nuts (well, all nuts really. Except walnuts which make my tongue swell.) I was foreordained to love… Read More