I lost my mojo

I haven’t forgotten about the 72-hour kits; I just lost my preparedness mojo for a little while.  But I’m back in the saddle, thanks to the great Murphy’s Law article at The Epicenter.  Remember how I mentioned a while back that you’ll be going to the Army Surplus store for your next assignment?  Well, here it is! (You can also go to any store that sells camping goods.  Not like Walmart;  A real camping store.  But I say try out the Army store.  You’ll be in for a funky, fun time. (Your husband would love to take you there for date night, I promise!)

Before I give you this week’s assignment I want you to check this out.  It will take you three minutes to read and it’s great info. 

This week’s assignment will be:
a lighter for each grown up
a Sierra Cup for each person
“550 Parachute rope” (100 ft. Ask for it at the store.  They’ll probably have to cut it for you. )
Hand-crank flashlight/radio
Headlamp flashlight (batteries removed or they’ll die)
Extra batteries
Silverware for each person
Candles (you may have these at home already)
Duct tape (you can use this for all kinds of stuff. Get a big roll)
Tarp (at least two. Get decent ones.  These can be used as tents etc.  Don’t forget the rope!)
Ponchos (if you didn’t get these already)
Optional: hand warmers, wool blankets, MRE food, work gloves (remember that most disasters include major messes. Tree limbs down, broken glass, etc.  You’ll be glad you have these.)

You’ll probably find all sorts of things at the Army store that will be great in a 72-hour kit.  Go for it! We’ll be reporting with our stuff on 2/22.

| Filed under Preparedness

7 thoughts on “I lost my mojo

  1. I’ve heard about going to the army store to get stuff like this. Good call. I’ve been working on my emergency preparedness; there’s a few things on this list I need to add. (Like work gloves–totally logical.) Thanks for the reminders.

  2. Wow, Jennie! Very impressive link! I also went on to read about the $200 wind generator. If I lived in my own house, I think I’d try it.

    You website today reminds us that if we do NOT get our 72 hour kits with all the recommended stuff, we will qualify for the next title in your blog: Idiot, stupid, dolt, imbicile.

  3. Wow, that’s a lot of stuff. Are you sure we need all that? Personally, I just want food, water, and clothes, and then I want to be immediately rescued. Please tell me I won’t have to live in a tarp tent for 72 hours!!!

  4. That was a really good read on all the things that you said that we would need. When I first looked at the list I was kind of like Ugh. But then after reading about each item and the usage I felt better about cracking down to buy them.

    Now I just need to find an Army store. James went to Cabella’s today, but he wouldn’t let me come and bring the kids, something about scouts, oh well I guess that I am on my own to prepare for the worst.

  5. I am not doing the 72 hour kits yet – we basically have ours done and Adam has gone on a food storage frenzy. He has spent almost $1500 in the last two weeks buying stuff and he has rented a canner and bought 200 cans from the cannery!

    He will spend the whole day and night of the 24th canning everything.


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