Did you miss me?

Four days without writing in my blog! The longest I’ve ever gone, I do believe. Mister and I had a lovely weekend in Fredericksburg, Texas for his birthday. Fredericksburg, in case you’ve never been, is a quaint little town in the middle of nowhere (as is most every place in… Read More

Une petite jalousie

My new BFF Michelle is a force to be reckoned with.  Not only did she write a fab article for Segullah today, but she is the featured story on Shutterfly.  She makes me green with envy because of her writing and especially her photography skills.  But she’s such a sweetie… Read More

It’s over, in a good way

NaBloPoMo* is over!  It was hard writing every day.  Especially while in a turkey-induced coma that lasted nearly three days. For all you food storage followers: we will be taking off the entire month of December.  So no canned goods or other sundries until January.  Hopefully you won’t be stone… Read More

Bounteous blessings

Today I am thankful for: Health!  We haven’t been sick all year.  Hooray! My husband finally getting a job that he loves. Cheap gas Lots and lots of food. By Hildie | Filed under Uncategorized 4 Comments Share

The feast

I’ve got the turkey defrosting in the fridger (that’s what Ada calls it).  Next on my list is homemade crescent rolls and an apple pie.  I’ve already run into a snag: there are only Gala and Fuji apples at the grocery store.  Who decided these are the only apples we… Read More

This week’s food storage item

Hey it’s Tuesday and I’m just getting around to this.  High praises for all of the people who bought their stuff last week: Mindi Tiburon (extra credit for really stocking up!) Jenn Tiffany (?) Did I forget someone? This week, let’s take a break, OK?  I’m going to be busy… Read More


I gave a talk in church today. I wrote it and stuck to the script.  There was no humor to be found. Boring? Most definitely.  But I think I redeemed myself after my testimony fiasco. How did everyone do buying stew and chili this week?  You have one more day… Read More

20 Q

Do you have the little handheld game called 20Q?  It’s based on the game called 20 questions and is eerily, freakily correct most of the time.  We have one of these floating around our house (actually I think we have two) and every once in a while I have the… Read More

It’s the day before Friday.

Hey all you “day-in-the-lifers”, make sure to finish up your picture-taking today, so you’ll be ready to post it all tomorrow.   We want good stuff too.  Not you perfectly-coiffed wearing high heels while you vacuum.  Let’s see some nitty gritty! By Hildie | Filed under Uncategorized 5 Comments Share

They have me pegged

I don’t know if you ever read the blog “Stuff White People Like”. It’s hilarious.  Today they have perfectly captured me and my musical tastes. Click here to read it.  Don’t worry, it’s short. (But then you’ll get completely distracted and read lots of other posts.) By Hildie | Filed… Read More


This is Adelaide Amelia.  She has a very strong personality.  Not strong as in pushy and bratty.  Just extremely confident. Last night was the perfect example.  At bedtime she insisted that she did not have to go to the bathroom.  And I, ever the idiot, believed her.  So at 1:30… Read More