Products I hate

These products have all found their way into my garbage can this week. My vote for the most horrid mascara of all time (in case you can’t tell, it’s by Revlon). Not only is is clumpy and globby, but imagine applying your mascara with a twig. Or with a mascara… Read More

Be kind, rewind

I happened upon a big box in the attic a few days ago and when I opened it I discovered a treasure trove of old kids VHS movies. Remember VHS tapes? I am still rather fond of that medium (don’t even get me started on how tired I am of… Read More

Mothering tip for a rainy day

I’m always forgetting mothering lessons that I learned along the way.  This is perhaps one of the most important.  Particularly if your children are making you batty.  It is one simple thing: forts Do not underestimate the power of of a fort.  At least an hour of amusement and distraction.… Read More

Barf-a-roo, part deux

You need to read yesterday’s post before you read this one. No wait, this one stands on its own. I went to the library to return books last night (they ought to name that place after me, due to all the money they’ve gotten from me over the years. Most… Read More


Ada is our little throw-up girl.  Every once in a while she just throws up for no good reason.  She has no other symptoms and it doesn’t usually happen more than once.  It’s just her thing.  She’s always been no-nonsense, and this is evident when she gets sick.  She can… Read More

Flu or cakes

I know not many of you are as concerned about Swine Flu as I am (Can you imagine dying of something so vile-sounding?  It makes it sound like you were getting a little too frisky in the pig pen.)  Nevertheless I remind you again of this helpful site just incase… Read More

More tales from the toilet

I got out a giant jar of jelly beans this morning which can mean only one thing:  it’s potty-training time.  I usually wait until the hapless victim is three, but Jasper seems very savvy.  Or rather, he seemed very savvy. When I was potty-training Ada last year he was into… Read More

Hey, remember me?

I haven’t posted for a while. I’ve been in New York! Without kids!  Do I even have to tell you how wonderful it was? Mister, who you may or may not have heard, was not terribly excited to go at first (I did write a spiteful blog post about it,… Read More

If you think one dog is fun . . .

My dog, Margaret, has developed a very annoying habit of squeaking and crying at night–particularly between the hours of 12:30 and 2 am. OK, so “habit” isn’t really the right word. She did it last night and she’s starting up again as I type. Our house is chock full of… Read More

The W. Bunch

Six kids. 15 minutes before church. Frazzled mother. Boy who is incapable of smiling. It’s the best I could do! By Hildie | Filed under Holidays 12 Comments Share