Did you have a special day?

Not to make you jealous or anything, but for Valentine’s Day my man got me a waffle iron that makes Texas-shaped waffles. (Before you throw rotten tomatoes at him for such a lame gift, just know that I mentioned a while ago how much I actually wanted one and he… Read More

It’s a week for friendship

At church we are doing a “friendship week”.  Everyone who is interested is given a secret family similar to theirs (in other words, some little old widow isn’t going to get stuck with us and our six kids) that they are to do nice things for all week (“nice things”… Read More

Don’t. Hate. Me.

All right you guys.  I try very hard not to be picky about what other people do.  Growing up I was notorious for correcting other people’s grammar.  Yes, it’s both obnoxious and unkind, and really who cares? If you want to drop the -ly off of your adverbs, be my… Read More

Hey, funny pants

Every once in a while Mister likes to psyche me out and pretend to have died.  Hilarious, no? There was the time he was trying to fix our washing machine and got a gigantic shock.  “The shock went up one arm and down the other,” he told me. I wasn’t… Read More

Today is a big day

I’m over at Segullah today waxing philosophical.  And reading what I wrote made me cry.  Seriously. P.S. My sister is on her way here as we speak (OK, we’re not speaking, but you know what I’m saying.  Only I’m not actually saying it.  Oh, come on!  You know what I mean.)… Read More

Zippity-ay and Heidi-ho

Today is little Yorkie-pie’s 13th birthday.  Which means I now have two teenagers!  Ack!   All this talk about how horrible teens are and . . . they’re actually just fine.  Yes, there can be a little bit of sullen snottiness but mostly they are funny and enjoyable and–I almost… Read More

Need some decorating help

I have this plain Jane guest bathroom. It’s all white with putrid beige walls. Basically it’s a perfect blank canvas. I usually have an instant vision for bathrooms, but I just can’t come up with anything. So I need some ideas. If you’ve seen something cute online, send me a… Read More

Lunch duty

I went and had lunch on Friday with Finn (our school is happy to have parents come and eat with their children.  Ugh.  That means I actually have to do it sometimes or my children feel left out and neglected).   I’d been shopping at Costco so I brought him… Read More