Ice cream! Get your ice cream!

I know a lot of you are just getting the first inkling of Spring where you live, but this is Texas and it’s been glorious for several weeks now. We know that summer will be here soon because we heard the dulcet tunes of the ice cream man yesterday. We… Read More

Two whole years–a giveaway!

You guys!  How could I almost have forgotten?  This week is my two year blogiversary!  I can’t believe I’m still around writing all this crap.  I  guess I am not a quitter.  Actually I have the opposite problem; I stick around long after I should have gone/quit/stopped.   Which is… Read More

Will you come to my funeral?

Pardon me while I commit suicide.  Haagen-Dazs has discontinued my favorite flavor: Fleur de Sel Caramel.  Why? Why?  Why?  Couldn’t they at least have warned me? I would have stockpiled if only I’d known!  Everything on the news has been about recessions and health care when the real issues like… Read More

Makeup Monday–concealer (part deux)

Ok, Ok, so it’s Tuesday.  But some of you had a few questions about concealer that I thought I’d answer.  Concealer isn’t a necessity.  You might not even need it.  It’s just for covering up odds and ends on your face that are less desirable.  But if, like me, you… Read More

Makeup Monday–concealer

When I was a teenager I used to read those magazines where they’d ask models what their most vital piece of make-up is, and their replies would be things like “mascara” or “eyebrow pencil”.  At the time I didn’t realize that that’s how you know you’re beautiful enough to be… Read More

Ask a stupid question . . . .

Tiffany (whose sunroom I’m very jealous of) had this great thing on her blog a while ago and it has intrigued me to no end.  It’s called formspring and the whole point of it is to ask people questions anonymously! How thrilling!  So if there’s anything you’ve ever wanted to… Read More

The curious case of the cupcake

It was Finn’s birthday last weekend (Happy Birthday, 11-year-old!) We celebrated by making fudgy bon bons  A red velvet cake and faux Hostess cupcakes (sorry about the weak photo.  All I had with me was my camera phone.)  I love all three dearly, but I must admit that my heart… Read More

Makeup Monday–Lipcolor

The one thing that I want you to learn about make-up is to be open to change. We all knew those women when we were growing up who looked like relics of the sixties and seventies because they were afraid to try something new and go for a more modern… Read More

Maybe this time I’ll like it

So I’ve been rolling my eyes about Twitter for quite some time.  I just didn’t get.  I still kind of don’t get it, but after three people in one week asked me if I’m on twitter I figured I ought to get my head out of the sand and just… Read More

A little Italian cheese

It’s just as I suspected after my happy post yesterday.  Nobody is interested in me when my life is good.  You only want the embarrassing/bitter/snotty Jennie. Will do! Here is a nice little story for you: it will make me sound utterly unsophisticated because it’s about food, and in that… Read More