Que bella vita

Maybe it’s the weather (sunny! warm!), maybe it’s the birds who sing their little hearts out all day, or maybe it’s just that my kids are all doing well right now and nobody has been grounded or in trouble all week (oh wait, Finn forgot his homework yesterday so he… Read More

Makeup Monday

So I’m starting a new feature.  Today is my first Makeup Monday.  Nope, it’s not about how Mister and I get in a big fight every weekend (we don’t.  Usually.)  It’s not about kids, crafts, photography or baking (moms who blog are not normally allowed to veer so far off… Read More

A tale of two unrelated things

This is pretty hard to believe but I don’t have an iphone.  This is especially weird since we are a Mac-only household.  We thoroughly look down on PC users and wonder what is wrong with those people.  My husband waited in line all night when the iphone first came out… Read More

I’m not the meanest mom out there

Just in case you two haven’t met, I’d like to introduce The Meanest Mom.  No, silly, it’s not me!  It’s Jana Matthews.  She is so hysterical, especially for someone with a PhD in medieval lit.  Today’s post clinches her Meanest Mom title.  I bow in admiration. By Hildie | Filed… Read More

Which one were you?

I’m over at Segullah today talking about labels. Not the cute kind you put on packages; the kind that we were given.  You know, “the funny one”, “the pretty one”, that kind of thing. By Hildie | Filed under Uncategorized 5 Comments Share


I do not understand certain things: Why people dislike traveling when there are no kids involved. Sitting in a chair, albeit an uncomfortable one on a plane, with nothing to do but read books and eat snacks? Delightful! You would be correct in assuming that I’m pretty jazzed about flying… Read More

Good girl gone bad

I decided we were finally going to do it. Today is the day we were going to be rolling into church 45 minutes late. We are not the super-late kind of people. We might squeak in during the opening hymn, but we’re not those people who blow off all of… Read More

Baby, I’m a . . . STAR!

Well, not really. Not even close. But I did get to do a TV show yesterday for BYU TV. It was all about “Mommy Bloggers” (their choice of words, not mine). I represented the semi-dorky, unknown, small-potatoes blogger. While the other guests (Mindy from The Mommy Blog, Daphne from Cool… Read More

Jeans–why do you hate me so?

You guys, all this week I’ve been trying on jeans. I used to not mind trying on jeans. They were just another pair of pants. But things aren’t so good now. I’m especially dreading the oncoming return of skinny jeans because they do not do my extremely hourglass figure (i.e.… Read More

Sister Evangeline’s Dirty Forehead

There is a low-point in everyone’s High School career and mine was Algebra 2 with Sister Evangeline.   I went to an all-girls High School at a Catholic convent despite being a life-long Mormon. About half of our teachers were nuns (who, I was disappointed to find out, did not… Read More