I have this plain Jane guest bathroom. It’s all white with putrid beige walls. Basically it’s a perfect blank canvas. I usually have an instant vision for bathrooms, but I just can’t come up with anything. So I need some ideas. If you’ve seen something cute online, send me a link. Or multiple links. I’m open to all suggestions. These are my only conditions:
No black or white. We already have this color scheme in two of our other bathrooms
No yellow (see above)
No blue/green. I have used a blue/green color scheme in at least one bathroom in every house I have ever lived in. I love it but I’m getting a little tired. Blue or green by themselves would probably be fine, though.
I hate orange
Keep in mind:
There are no windows so it needs to be bright.
The is a shower curtain, so consider that, decorating-wise.
Can anybody help me?
I've always loved grey. (But that is along the lines of blue-ish):
I love this bathroom:
(the blue is so striking with the white)
(I love the idea of vertical stripes…not a huge fan of the black decal but the stripes would be fabulous)
How about a deep red? I really would love to have a red room! I will hunt for pics!
I'm going to paint my bathroom a lovely chocolate brown. (post-baby) I'm thinking of accenting with some green, possibly yellow.
I actually have a LOVELY brown shower curtain with some tourquoise paisleys I'm not using. I used it in my old house and loved it, but I don't need a shower curtain here. I'd send it to you if you want.
Being as how I am probably the only one to actually SHOWER in that bathroom, and since it is, YES, very dark, I BEG for a transparent shower curtain, or at least a thin, translucent curtain-liner, with (if you must, and I know you must) a DIVIDED decorator curtain over the top – preferably on it's own rod, so shower-ers can pull the decorator curtain(s) aside, and have enough light to shave their legs without cutting off a foot.
An Egyptian theme in beetle-turquoise, lapis blue, carnelian red, and metallic gold (Perhaps on a stippled sand background) would be ultra-daring, though I crave blue, aqua and lavender – sort of an underwater segue. Want me to paint it? I could make graceful waves on the walls.
hey there, I moved my blog and just realized I hadn't added you to my new reader…
Since you need a shower curtain in that bathroom, my suggestion would be to find a shower curtain you like then base the rest of your bathroom on that curtain.
You could keep the walls a bright white and use vibrant accent colors, such as red, to brighten it up. Then it would be easy enough to switch out whenever you want a change, you could put some vinyls or prints on the wall in the accent color to make it look less white, if that's what you want. That will keep it nice and bright for you. You could use an off white color or tan, or some other neutral color. But I still think you need to find a curtain that speaks to you then go from there. 🙂
I just read the other suggestions and Brown is nice. I love brown, but I probably have too much brown in my house. 🙂
Where's a picture? I need a picture to be inspired….
Some type of lavender. I love purple. And so should you.
Add a bit of greenery with a plant and white fluffy towels…oh and clear the clutter of the counter.
i would recommend looking at hotels and resort photos of bathrooms to get inspired
I think your mom seems to know how she'd like that room…you might want to go with it! ; )
I'd put a picture like this (http://www.allposters.com/gallery.asp?startat=/getposter.asp&APNum=3532898&CID=E65F33DCC0304027B059C1FE9A332DF1&PPID=1&Search=covering%20eyes&f=t&FindID=0&P=1&PP=1&sortby=PD&c=c&page=1) or this (http://img.allposters.com/6//p/MED/9/944/98DK000Z/rob-scotton-wash-and-moo.jpg) or this one( http://img.allposters.com/6/LRG/28/2894/55IPD00Z.jpg ) or this one (http://img.allposters.com/6/LRG/9/913/Q6HX000Z.jpg)on the wall and leave it as is…
But I'm just weird like that!
Our tiny 'hidden' bathroom (that is what the kids all the 1/2 bath under the stairs) needs some love too. A LOT of love. Maybe I will steal one of the ideas that someone posts! 😀