Today is little Yorkie-pie’s 13th birthday. Which means I now have two teenagers! Ack!

All this talk about how horrible teens are and . . . they’re actually just fine. Yes, there can be a little bit of sullen snottiness but mostly they are funny and enjoyable and–I almost forgot–they babysit their siblings!
York has always marched to the beat of a different drummer. I love that about him. He is funny and talkative and is already great at figuring out how things work and fixing them. He’s a fantastic son (even if he does tell the most long, drawn out stories ever.)
To show him how much I love him I “made” an awesome lunch today with a couple of his favorite foods including mega-sugary orange-flavored chemicals Sunny D.

Let’s just say it was a big hit with all the 7th grade boys.
Happy Birthday York! We love you to bits!
York is the most AWESOME teenage boy since Ben! What can't he do? He's smart and funny and talkative, and cheerful, and can make ANYTHING with duct tape!
now that's a fantastic lunch!
Okay, so the last time I read your blos (a few days ago) you were ripping on another mom for supplying her child with a bunch of crap for lunch. ha ha. She must have rubbed off on you. You'd definitely make Christopher's day if you whipped up a birthday lunch like this. Except for maybe the SunnyD. My boy prefers 100 fruit juice, he has his boundaries.
Love the picture of your cute son, Jennie.
Best. Mom. Ever.
Kelly, didn't you notice I included an orange? Therefore, the lunch was nutritious (and let's not forget the 1% juice in Sunny D!)
Do your children know your daily breakfast in college was a Mountain Dew and 2 triangles of Toblerone?
Happy B-day York!
I bet the kids at school just FREAKED OUT when they saw that lunch. "Your mom gave that to you for lunch??? Your mom is AWESOME!"
The irony of it is what Tiffany said, you were the most unhealthy eater ever growing up. What do I mean growing up? You'll still eat Mountain Dew and chips for breakfast with a side of peanut butter M&Ms if you're not on a diet!
First, you are the funnest mom ever and I am so stealing this idea.
Second, I LOVE that you threw a Clementine in there…like that was going to make it all better! ;D
And third, thank you for meeting me for lunch today! I had a great time and hope we can do it again!!
Yummy lunch! I'm sure he was coolest 7th grader at the lunch table!
Ha ha ha! Jennie, you crack me up. How silly of me to have overlooked the orange.
What I would have given to have a lunch like that at school – York cracks me up – he really is a mini-Ben. Happy Birthday York!
Ah, I miss York. Tell him hi for me.