Things I will not be doing

Things I will not be doing: Taking a photo of my outfit every day. What is going on with all these women who post a picture of what they wore each day? I’m all for showing my life on the interwebs, but posting each and every outfit? What a drag.… Read More

Preparedness and a mini-breakdown

First of all, the preparedness item this week is Spaghetti Sauce. It’s a pasta topping! It’s a pizza Sauce! It’s multi-talented! If you are aiming on spaghetti/pizza/etc. once a week, that’s going to be 12 jars. Think you can handle that? If that’s too much for your pantry (or your… Read More

My Christmas letter to the school

Dear School That My Children Attend, First of all, today is the last day of school before Christmas vacation. Thus it is my last day to run errands child-free. You have scheduled my child’s class party for 9 am. Just because all the other parents take their children home as… Read More

I fought the gun and the gun won

Like most earnest and well-educated parents I decided that when I had children we would be “gun-free”. No shooting toys period.* (Except water guns because those aren’t about killing, they’re about laughing. And Nerf guns because, well, I don’t know. They’re just different.) I’ve always preferred my boys to pretend… Read More

The first week

If you have uttered these words I have a bone to pick with you: “let’s plan it for the first week of December so we won’t interfere with people’s holiday plans.” I have to say that I am tired–SICK AND TIRED–of every holiday event being planned for the first week… Read More

The cat is out of the bag

We have had our kitten, Clover, for a month. Everyone is entirely smitten. She is playful but loving and is extremely tolerant of Jasper carrying her around everywhere. Basically her grace and poise make Maggie look like a pathetic dolt desperate for attention (which is exactly what she is. But… Read More

Our terrible secret

There is something going on in our family that I haven’t wanted to talk about. It’s been very traumatic for me and I’ve had a hard time dealing with it. But I need to be upfront. I need to get this out in the open. My husband likes country music.… Read More