I am pretty thrilled to see 2011 go. It was sort of a dismal year for me and my fam. I’m trying to think of anything really great happened . . . . . . still thinking . . . . . . thinking . . . Nah. Nothing. I… Read More
Today is Makeup Monday and although I call it that, it’s really about more than just cosmetics. Anything having to do with the face or skin is fair game. Today we’ll be discussing that gross, bumpy, red skin that shows up on the backs of your arms (or even on… Read More
Nowadays pregnancy and childbirth are much more stylish than when I started bearing children in the mid-90’s. And it seems there are even more opinions about what’s right and what’s not right. (Of course my opinion is superior.) I feel like I can offer a different viewpoint than most women… Read More
I’m over at Segullah today posting this. But since I know you’re probably too lazy to click over there, let’s get a discussion going here too. I’m really interested in everyone’s opinions. My 14-year-old son, York, has a pair of bright orange silky shorts. I loathe silky basketball shorts. I’m… Read More
For How-To Tuesday I’m going to tell you how to have a good Halloween. So what if this is entirely non-applicable for another 364 days! You can memorize this list for next year. 1. Carve Jack-o-Lanterns. Roll your eyes when your 10-year-old daughter says that pumpkin guts make her sick.… Read More
As a mother of six it’s one of my great fears that at least one of my children will end up as a drug addict. We already have more than one extended family member in recovery and it’s really a path I don’t want to go down. So I’m always… Read More
I neglected to mention that while I was at Round Top a couple of weeks ago I hurt my foot badly. It turns out that I messed up a bunch of ligaments on the top of my right foot but it felt more like I broke my arch in half.… Read More
There is something I don’t think I have ever talked about on my blog: I had a stillborn baby. It was many years ago and it was very sad and really, what is there to say? One day I was happily six months pregnant and the next day I was… Read More
Do you ever have those dreams where you are slightly awake but still asleep enough that your dreams are vaguely realistic but outlandish? Dreams where pointless and silly things seem completely important and logical? That was me last night. Occasionally these kinds of dreams will turn into stress fests where… Read More
JHW.JHW.JHW.JHW.JHW.JHW Those are my initials. I must write them a dozen times a day. Between signing planners, permission slips, and various pieces of paper sent home from various schools, I feel like I need a rubber stamp. Nothing, though, gives me fits like reading logs. You know what those are… Read More
This day comes every August. Almost exactly two weeks before school starts. The day when I begin to dislike my children. The day when I don’t care about doing stations anymore. Watch TV and play video games all day, kids. Whatever. So what. Just leave me alone. Oh, and I’m… Read More