Baptism Girl

Adelaide Amelia Clementine turned eight last week. Turning eight is not just any birthday if you’re Mormon. That’s when we get baptized. Mormons believe that babies and children automatically go to Heaven if they die, so baptism isn’t a requirement until kids are old enough to really understand the difference… Read More

H.E.B. and Me

If you’ve been reading this blog for more than a couple of months you probably have heard me mention my favorite grocery store, HEB. It’s not a word, it’s initials. The founder was named Howard Edward Butt, an unfortunate name. Mister’s mother grew up in San Antonio and remembers shopping… Read More

Let the Laziness Commence

We finally made it to Arizona. I love this place. Even though the weather is similar to Texas (they are the same temperature at this exact moment), Arizona–especially where my in-laws are–looks so different. People here take great pains to make it look all lush and gorgeous: palm trees and… Read More

Teens, Chores and Money

At our house we don’t give our kids an allowance. Many years ago we started to but it just got too expensive. Plus it would kill me when they’d spend our hard-earned money on a giant bucket of Red Vines. I’m not one of those moms who tells their kids… Read More

A Very Good Garbage Can

Since we have been talking about presents and how I love them, let me tell you about a present Mister gave me a few years ago: a garbage can. Yeah, I know, lame. I thought so too. Let me backtrack a little. When we moved to Texas we left a… Read More

My Wonderful Gift

Remember how last week I was saying that Valentine’s Day is stupid unless it involves giving me a present? And that my husband is super fantastic? Guess what he gave me for Valentine’s Day? The most romantic and beloved of gifts: a new laptop. You probable don’t remember how my… Read More

Makeup Monday–Must-Have Item

I know you’re expecting me to tell you about that mascara or lipstick that you simply must have. Here’s the absolute most important thing you need: Sunscreen Yep. Every single day. Winter, summer, even if you live in Oregon and the sun hasn’t come out in days. If you can… Read More

Makeup Monday–Exfoliating

Whether you wear makeup every single day of your life or wear it just for special occasions, there is something that you need to be doing on a very regular basis: exfoliating.  As I’m sure you remember from 8th grade biology, your body sloughs it’s skin all the time. Sometimes… Read More