Talking about Christmas Dinner

OK, I know Christmas was over a week ago but I’m just barely decompressing. I really feel the need to discuss Christmas Dinner. I think this one meal illustrates the differences between families and traditions more than anything else in a marriage. Mister comes from a family where the big meal… Read More

In Case You Haven’t Voted Yet

I will be writing in a candidate on my ballot today: Jed Bartlett. Why, oh why, can’t the most fantastic president who ever lived be real? Mister and I have been watching West Wing reruns lately just to make ourselves sad. Mister and I don’t exactly see eye-to-eye on many… Read More

Makeup Monday: Long-Wearing Lipstick

It’s Makeup Monday and I’m here to preach the gospel of lipstick (especially long-wearing lipstick that lasts all day). If you’re a long-time reader of my blog, you’ve heard me rant about this before but I simply must insist that all women wear lipstick. Really. Unless you’re fourteen and have… Read More

Makeup Monday–Sonia Kashuk

For years I noticed the Sonia Kashuk line at Target (my second home). But because I was silly and picky about makeup I never tried any of it. But one day a couple of years ago I happened to notice that the Sonia Kashuk mascara had a built in eyelash… Read More

My Review: Menstrual Cups

Yeah, I know, you’re making faces just thinking about this, aren’t you? Before I start, let me just warn you that there will be a lot of talk about periods, cervixes and blood in this blog post so if you’re a man you probably do not want to continue reading.… Read More

Ten Best Photo Apps for the iPhone

Are you on Instagram? Do you wonder how people get all those cool effects onto their photos? (In case you aren’t familiar with Instagram, it’s kind of like Facebook or Twitter but you use pictures for your updates.) I really resisted instagram for a long time. Mostly because it offended… Read More

How to Roast a Chile Pepper

If you’re lucky enough to live in the Southwest then you know that Hatch chile season is going strong. Hatch chiles are grown in Hatch, New Mexico from Mid-August through the end of September. They are a delicious green chile that is quite a bit spicier than an Anaheim (which… Read More

All Quiet on the Texas Front

Back to school today. All the things I did: Had kids set out clothes. Got up early to shower and do makeup. Accidentally put on red lipstick (the 16 hour kind. Which meant I had to do the rest of my makeup decently too). Red lipstick requires a certain mindset.… Read More

How Not To Lose Kids’ Goggles

Just about every day we go swimming in one of our neighborhood pools. If you have kids and are a frequenter of public pools you know how impossible it is to keep track of swim googles. Every summer we start out with one pair for everybody and somehow by the… Read More

Best and Worst Foods of Summer

Worst: For some reason Independence Day is the big Jello holiday. I guess because the weather is hot and Jello is cold. At least I guess it’s cold. I don’t really know. I find it disgusting beyond belief. it is slippery and slimy and feels to me like eating sweet… Read More